When Things Start to Think
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From Poetry of Art to Method
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How to get a PhD: a handbook for students and their advisors
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How to realize a natural image reproduction using stereoscopic displays with motion parallax
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Put the shoulder to the wheel: a new biomechanical model for the shoulder girdle
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Observing the user experience: A practioners guide to user research
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Depthmap: A program to perform visibility graph analysis
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Contribution to the optimition of wood assemblies performances in timber structure. Analysis of the embedment strength in assemblies of dowel type
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From isovists to visibility graphs: a methodology for the analysis of architectural space
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From isovists to visibility graphs: a methodology for the analysis of architectural space
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The cellular method to design energy efficient shading form to accommodate the dynamic characteristics of climate
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The Everywhere Displays Projector: A De- vice to Create Ubiquitous Graphical Interfaces
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Time Based Media as a Means to Enhance Spatial Representations - Teaching case studies in Greece
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A pattern approach to interaction design
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From user-centred to participatory design approaches
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Virtual heritage: from the research lab to the broad public
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Affect and processing dynamics Perceptual fluency enhances evaluations
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Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: writing a literature review
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Is There More to Come?
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