CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 101 to 120 of 2930

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25%; open Bognar, Botond (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Contemporary Japanese Architecture, Its Development and Challenge , Van Nostrand Reinhold

25%; open Bono, E. D. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Six Thinking Hats , Little, Brown and Company

25%; open Borgers, A. and H. Timmermans (1985) Find in CUMINCAD A Model of Pedestrian Route Choice and Demand for Retail Facilities within Inner-City Shopping Areas , Geographical Analysis, 18(2): 115-128

25%; open Borish, S. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Extension of an Image Model to Arbitrary Polyhedra , Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 75

25%; open Bormann, Ernest (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Symbolic Convergence Theory: A Communication Formulation , Journal of Communication. 35.4, 128-138

25%; open Borner (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Microcomputer Applications in Design Fields: Environmental Control Systems - Thermal Analysis , Report LCGS& 85-7, Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts

25%; open Bosanac and Van Norman (1985) Find in CUMINCAD The User Interface, An Annotated Bibliography , Report LCGSA 85-19, Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts

25%; open Boselie, F., & Leeuwenberg, E. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Birkhoff Revisited: Beauty as a Function of Effect and Means , The American Journal of Psychology, 98(1), 1-39. doi:10.2307/1422765

25%; open Boud, D. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Problem-based Learning in Perspective , Boud, D. , ed. , Problem-based Learning in Education for the Professions, Sydney: Higher Education Research Society of Australasia, 1985, 13–18

25%; open Bovill, Carl (1985) Find in CUMINCAD UCSD Pascal Intrinsic Units Used to Create a File Driven Early Design Energy Analysis Program With Input Error Checking Automatically Provided By The UCSD Pascal Compiler , Proceedings of The First National Conference On Microcomputer Applications For Conservation And Renewable Energy, University of Arizona, Tucson

25%; open Boyd, R. and Richerson, P. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Culture and the Evolutionary Process , University of Chicago Press, Chicago

25%; open Brachman, R. and J.Schmolze (1985) Find in CUMINCAD An overview of the KL-ONE knowledge representationsystem , Cognitive Science 9, pp. 171-216

25%; open Brachman, R. and Levesque, H. (eds.). (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Readings in Knowledge Representation , Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufman Publishers

25%; open Brachman, R.J. and Levesque, H.J. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Introduction , Readings in knowledge representation. R. J. Brachman and H. J. Levesque eds. Los Altos, Kaufmann

25%; open Brachman, R.J. and Schmolze, J.G. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System , Cognitive Sciences 9 pp. 171-216

25%; open Brachman, R.J. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD On the epistemological status of semantic networks , Readings in knowledge representation. R. J. Brachman and H. J. Levesque eds. Los Altos, Kaufmann

25%; open Brady, R (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Optimization strategies gleaned from biological evolution , Nature, 317(6040), pp. 804-806

25%; open Branch, M. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Comprehensive city planning: introduction & explanation , Planners Press, Chicago

25%; open Branch, M.C. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Comprehensive City Planning: Introduction and Explanation , Washington DC.: Planners Press

25%; open Brandford, J.D., Arbitman-Smith, R., Stein, B.S. and Vye, N.J., eds. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Improving thinking and learning skills: An analysis of three approaches, vol. 1 , Thinking and Learning Skills, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum

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