Ambiguous intentions: a paper-like interface for creative design
, Proceedings of UIST’96, November 1996, Seattle. ACM Press, pp. 183–192
Marking Territory and Mapping
, 6th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property. Berkeley, CA. June 5-8, 1996
Interoperating GISs
, Santa Barbara: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
Deictic codes for the embodiment of cognition
, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20(04), 723-742
Sunshine Coast Library, John Mainwaring and Lawrence Neild, Sir Zelman Cowen Award for Public Buildings
, Architecture Australia, Nov-Dec 1997, , V86, N6, pp. 46-47
Optimized process planning by generative simulated annealing
, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 11, 219–235
Agent Generated Architecture
, Design and Representation: Proceedings of the 1997 Association for Computer Aided Design Architecture (ACADIA), Cincinatti, 63-70
People, Paths, and Poses: Notions for a Participatory Envirotecture
, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press
Macroscopic analysis of design processes based on a scheme for coding designers' cognitive actions
, Design Studies. 19, 455-483
Intuitive control of “bird's eye” overview images for navigation in an enormous virtual environment
, Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology, 67–76
Comparing methods for introducing blind and visually impaired people to unifamiliar urban environments
, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 18, 277-287
Technologies for lifelong kindergarten
, Educational Technology Research and Development, 46(4), 43–55. http://doi.org/10.1007/BF02299672
Influencing generative design through continuous evaluation: associating costs with the coffeemaker shape grammar
, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 13(4), 253–275
Being fluent with information technology
, National Academy Press, Washington DC [A University of Virginia Technology Competencies Committee is developing a literacy test for new students to see if remedial action is needed]
Design: obstacle for/to the removal of obstacles
, The shape of things: a philosophy of design. Reaktion, London, pp. 58–61
Service Supplement: Design & Management
, Standard Form of Agreement for the appointment of an architect, RIBA Publishing, London
Towards a generative system for intelligent design support
, Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 4th CAADRIA Conference
Marker Tracking and HMD Calibration for video-based Augmented Reality Conferencing System
, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR99), October, San Francisco, USA, 85 - 94
A framework of awareness for small groups in shared-workspace groupware
, Saskatchewan: Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
(1999 )
Integrating digital media in design studio: Six paradigms
, Annual National Conference Proceedings for America Collegiate Schools of Architecture. pp.144-148