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Digital Fabrication in the Architectural Design Process (Master’s dissertation)
, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Distributed cognition
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Contemporary Processes in Architecture
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Parametric design: a review and some experiences
, Automation in Construction, 9, 369–377
Collaborative design: what is it?
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How to realize a natural image reproduction using stereoscopic displays with motion parallax
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Put the shoulder to the wheel: a new biomechanical model for the shoulder girdle
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Distributed cognition: toward a new foundation for human-computer interaction research
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Observing the user experience: A practioners guide to user research
, Cid: Morgan Kauffmann
Delusions of dialogue: control and choice in interactive art
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The Man Who Made Wall Street
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The Good City: In Defense of Utopian Thinking
, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Volume 24.2 June 2000
The power of your subconscious mind
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Commerce at Ugarit
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The Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Three Geometries
, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass
Deep structure
, Architectural Design Magazine: Contemporary Processes in Architecture, 70 (3), 44-55
Non-formal learning and tacit knowledge in professional work
, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70(1), 113-136
Hiroshi Sugimoto
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Digital morphogenesis and computational architectures
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