Ghost of Architecture: The Project and its Codification
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Studies in ancient Greek and Roman society, Past and present publications
, Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press
Cones, curves, shells, towers: He made paper jump to life
, The New York Times
Social sustainability: towards some definitions
, Hawke Res. Inst. Work. Pap. Ser. No 27
Interaction with our electronic environment an e-cological approach to physical interface design
, Utrecht, The Netherlands
A parametric strategy for free-form glass structures using quadrilateral planar facets
, Automation in Construction, 13, 187–202
CSI Master Format
, Construction Specification Institute
Physical computing: sensing and controlling the physical world with computers
, Course Technology Press
Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art
, New Jersey: Princeton Architectural Press
Digital Techtonics
, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom
Craft and Digital Technology
, World Craft Council 40th Annual Conference, Metsovo, Greece
Architectura’s newmedia
, The MIT Press ,Massachusetts
Development and Evaluation of Tangible Avatar Interface for VR Space Navigation
, Proceedings of Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.9 (2), 123-130
The cognitive basis of material engagement: where brain, body and culture conflate
, Rethinking materiality, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
The Phaidon atlas of contemporary world architecture
, Phaidon Press, London; New York, p. 39
Industrial Product Design by Using Two-Dimensional Material in the Context of Origamic Structure and Integrity
, Master’s Dissertation, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
The situated function-behaviour-structure framework
, Design Studies 25(4), 373-391
A stability measure for underconstrained cable-driven robots
, Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA'04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 5, pp. 4943-4949). IEEE
The importance of awareness for team cognition
, Team cognition: understanding the factors that drive process and performance (pp. 177-201). Washington: American Psychological Association
Digital Design and Manufacturing: CAD/CAM Applications in Architecture and Design
, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken