Architecture in the digital age
, Taylor & Francis
Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art
, New Jersey: Princeton Architectural Press
Studies in ancient Greek and Roman society, Past and present publications
, Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press
Craft and Digital Technology
, World Craft Council 40th Annual Conference, Metsovo, Greece
Interaction with our electronic environment an e-cological approach to physical interface design
, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Distributed cognition in engineering design: Negotiating between abstract and material representations
, Design representation, 83-103
Action in perception
, MIT Press
Parametric Design: A Paradigm Shift?
, Master’s Thesis, MIT, Cambridge
Physical computing: sensing and controlling the physical world with computers
, Course Technology Press
Development and Evaluation of Tangible Avatar Interface for VR Space Navigation
, Proceedings of Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.9 (2), 123-130
Architectura’s newmedia
, The MIT Press ,Massachusetts
Emergence of a Parallel Layout Arising from User's Pursuits of Better Living Conditions of Their Dwelling Units in MRHC with MAS
, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, AIJ, AIK, and ASC, Vol.3, No.1, pp.149-156
Empirical study of strategic performance of global construction firms
, Journal of Construction and Engineering and Management, v. 130, issue 11/12, p. 808-818
Jacquard's Web. How a Hand-Loom led to the Birth of the Information Age
, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York
Automated construction by contour crafting-related robotics and information technologie
, Automation in Construction, Vol. 13, pp.5–19
The Phaidon atlas of contemporary world architecture
, Phaidon Press, London; New York, p. 39
Refabricating architecture: how manufacturing methodologies are poised to transform building construction
, New York: McGraw-Hill
Transportation research at (LRC)
, Getting there with lighting, lighting research center (LRC), USA
CSI Master Format
, Construction Specification Institute
A Computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures, In Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture
, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community 2004, Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), Toronto, 100-109