New structuralism: design, engineering and architectural technologies
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Elements of Parametric Design
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Cloud Computing: Issues and Challenges
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Elements of Parametric Design
, New York: Routledge
Elements of parametric design
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The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West
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What is Visualization?
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Elements of Parametric Design
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Sustainable Water Management: Assessment and Recommendations for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
, Columbia University
Parametric Sensibility: Cultivating the Material Imagination in Digital Culture
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Negative Poisson's ratio behavior induced by an elastic instability
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Design and fabrication of materials with desired deformation behavior
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Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture
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Components of spatial intelligence
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Strategies for contractors to sustain growth in the global construction Market
, Habitat International, v. 34, issue 1, p. 1-10
An empirical investigation of the relationship of CAD use in designing and creativity
, PhD Thesis, Loughborough University, UK
Integration of Structural Knowledge In Design Studio Project: Assessment Study of Curriculum in Architecture Course in University of Malaya
, Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol. 7, pp. 59–74