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Agent Provocateur - BIM In The Academic Design Studio
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Design Activism: Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World
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Conceptual design metrics for daylighting
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Material Resourcefulness: Activating Material Information in Computational Design
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Digital Processes
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Creative Design Exploration By Parametric Generative Systems
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A Theoretical Model for the Introduction of BIM into the Curriculum
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Exploring urban commuting imbalance by jobs and gender
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Creative design exploration by parametric generative systems in architecture
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The Architecture of Collaboration
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Leveraging Cloud-BIM for LEED Automation
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Stadium storm brewing for Blue Bombers over obstructed views
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Biocomposite reinforced with natural fibers: 2000-2010
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A configurational approach to analytical urban design: ‘Space syntax’ methodology
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Cybernetic models in building fabrication. A three stage training approach to digital fabrication in architecture
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A framework for reducing water demand in multi-storey and detached dwellings in the United Arab Emirates
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Workflow patterns: a strategy for designing design
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A Method of Adapting Construction Education in Architectural design Education
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