CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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50%; open Todd, James T., Lore Thaler, Tjeerd M. H. Dijkstra, Jan J. Koenderink, and Astrid M. L. Kappers. (2007) Find in CUMINCAD The effects of viewing angle, camera angle, and sign of surface curvature on the perception of three-dimensional shape from texture , Journal of Vision 7(12): 9, 1-16. doi:10.1167/7.12.9

33%; open Abelson, P. (1997) Find in CUMINCAD House and Land Prices in Sydney from 1931 to 1989 , Urban Studies 34, pp. 1381-1400

33%; open Akin, O. (1990) Find in CUMINCAD Computational Design and Instruction: Toward a Pedagogy, The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era , Proceedings from the 1989 CAAD Futures conference (pp. 302)

33%; open Aoki, Y. and Osaragi, T. and Sasaki, H. and Hiroki, A. and Kanno, M. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD A construction method of multidimensional image space from associationalwords – A case study on office building image , Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, vol.E, Architectural Institute of Japan (in Japanese), Kyusyu, Japan, October 1989, pp.745-746

33%; open Appolinaire, G. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD A cited statement taken from "4x Paris" Exhibition Catalogue , BWA Warsaw

33%; open Bends?e, Martin P. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Optimal shape design as a material distribution problem , Structural Optimization 1 (4): 193–202

33%; open Bendsoe, M.P. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Optimal shape design as a material distribution problem , Structural Optimization, 1, pp. 193-202

33%; open Buelinckx, H. and Fregier, M. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD New Concepts for CAD: shape grammar towards truly declarative graphic , International Conference on CAD & CG, Beijin 10 -12 August 1989 (to be published)

33%; open Chen, SE and Parent, RE (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Shape averaging and its applications to industrial design , IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 9(1), pp. 47-54

33%; open Cortie, M.B. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Models for Mollusc Shell Shape , South African, Journal of Science

33%; open Cortie, M.B. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Models for Mollusc Shell Shape , South African, Journal of Science

33%; open Davis, S. M., (1989) Find in CUMINCAD From future perfect: Mass customizing , Planning Review, Februrary, 17(2), pp. 16-21

33%; open E. K. M. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Building theories from case study research , The Academy of management review, 14 (4)

33%; open Ejiri, M., Kakumoto, S., Miyatake, T., Shimada, S. and lwamura, K. (1985) Find in CUMINCAD Automatic Recognition of Engineering Drawings and Maps , Kasturi, R. and Trivedi, M. (eds.), Image Analysis Applications. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990; Bow, S. and R. Kasturi, "A Graphics Recognition System for Interpretation of Line Drawings," in Kasturi, R. and Trivedi, M. (eds.) Image Analysis Applications, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990; Kasturi, R., R. Fernandez, M.L. Amlani, and W.C. Feng, "Map Data Processing in Geographical Informational Systems," Computer, 22 (12), 1989, pp. 10-21; Shih, C.-C., M. Kasturi, "Extraction of Graphic Primitives from Images of Paper-Based Drawings," Machine Vision and Applications, 2, 1989, pp. 103-113; HoferAlfeis, J., "Automated Conversion of Existing Mechanical-Engineering Drawings to CAD Data Structure: State of the Art," Proceedings of IFIP TC5 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (CAPE '86), Copenhagen, 1986; Pavlidis, T., "A Vectorized and Feature Extractor for Document Recognition," Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 35 (111), 1986, pp. 319-328; and Karima, M., K.S. Sandal, and T.O. McNeil, "From Paper Drawings to Computer Aided Design," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 1985, pp. 24-39

33%; open Evans, R. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Translations from Drawing to Building and other Essays , AA Documents 2, J.Evans & Architectural Association publications, London

33%; open Finke, R.A. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Principle of Mental Image , MA: The MIT Press

33%; open Finn, J. D. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Withdrawing from school , Review of educational research, 59(2), 117-142.

33%; open Glassner, A.S. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD How to Derive a Spectrum from an RGB Triplet , IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 9 no. 4: 95-99

33%; open Gujar, Uday G. and Nagendra, I.V. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Construction of 3D solid objects from orthographic view , Computer & Graphics 13(4) , pp. 505-521

33%; open Kamada, T. and Kawai, S. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD An Algorithm for Drawing General Undirected Graphs , Information Processing Letters, 31(1):7-15

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