CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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25%; open Bandari, V. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Impact of Data Democratisation and Data Literacy on Employee Productivity , Sage Science Review of Educational Technology, 3(1), 37-48

25%; open Bande, L., Afshari, A., Al Masri, D., Jha, M., Norford, L., Tsoupos, A., Marpu, P., Pasha, Y., Armstrong, P. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Validation of UWG and ENVI-met models in an Abu Dhabi District, based on site measurements , Sustainability, 11(16), 4378.

25%; open Bandeirinha JA (2007) Find in CUMINCAD O processo SAAL e a arquitectura no 25 de Abril de 1974 , PhD Thesis. Portugal: University of Coimbra, 2007.

25%; open Bandini, S, Manzoni, S and Simone, C (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Dealing with Space in Multi-Agent Systems: a model for Situated MAS , Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: part 3 (AAMAS '02), pp. 1183-1190

25%; open BANDINI, S., MANZONI, S. AND VIZZARI, G. (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Agent Based Modelling and Simulation: An Informatics Perspective , Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

25%; open Bandini, S., Manzoni, S., Pavesi, G. and Simone, C. (2001) Find in CUMINCAD A language for situated multiagent systems , Esposito, F., editor, AI*IA 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 2175 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer–Verlag, p. 249–254

25%; open Bandini, S., Manzoni, S., Simone, C. (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Dealing with space in multi-agent system: a model for situated MAS , Castelfranchi, C., Johnson, L., eds.: Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2002), ACM Press, p. 1183–1190

25%; open Bandini, S., S. Manzoni, and G. Vizzari (2003) Find in CUMINCAD MMASS Approach to Localization Problems , Proceedings of IAT 2003 -- The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, IEEE Computer Society, p. 357–363

25%; open Bandini, S., S. Manzoni, C. Simone (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Dealing with space in multi-agent system: a model for situated MAS , Castelfranchi, C., Johnson, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2002), ACM Press,1183-1190

25%; open Bandura, A (1986) Find in CUMINCAD Social Foundations of Thought and Action , Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

25%; open Bandura, A. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective , Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2, 21–41

25%; open Bandyopadhyay, Amit, and Bryan Heer. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Structures , Materials Science & Engineering R 129: 1–16

25%; open Banerjee, D, Chattopadhyay, S K and Suneet, T (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Infrared thermography in material research- A review of textile applications , Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 38, pp. 427-437

25%; open Banerjee, S., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD A Meta-analytical Review of Outdoor Thermal Comfort Research: Applications, Gaps and a Framework to Assess Low-income Settlements in Indian Megacities , Urban Climate, 33, 1641. Available at:

25%; open Banerjee, Tridib and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (1990) Find in CUMINCAD Competitions as a Design Method: An Inquiry , Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 7 (2): 114–131

25%; open Banerjee, Tridib and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (1990) Find in CUMINCAD Competitions as a Design Method: An Inquiry , Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 7 (2): 114–131

50%; open Davidson, J. and Campbell, D. (1996) Find in CUMINCAD Collaborative Design in Virtual Space-Green Space II: a Shared Environment for Architectural Design Review , Proceedings of the 1996 Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture, pp. 165-179

25%; open Banfi F (2017) Find in CUMINCAD BIM Orientation: Grades of Generation and Information for Different Type of Analysis and Management Process , IInt Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 2017; XLII-2/W5: 57–64

25%; open Bang H, Bonke S and Clausen L (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Innovation in the Danish Construction Sector: the role of policy instruments , G Seaden and A Manseau (eds), Innovation in Construction - an International review of Public Policies, Spon Press, London

25%; open Bang, B, Nielsen, A, Sundsbo, PA and Wiik, T (1994) Find in CUMINCAD Computer-Simulation of Wind-Speed, Wind Pressure and Snow Accumulation around Buildings (Snow-Sim) , Energy and Buildings, 21:3, 235-43

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