CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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67%; open Bignon, J.C., Halin, G. and Malcurat O. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Improving cooperation in small scale projects , 8th ICCCBE 2000

67%; open Bimber, O. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD A multi-layered architecture for sketch-based interaction within virtual environment , Computer & Graphics, ed. Pergamon, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2000, pp. 851-867

67%; open Bimber, O., Encarnacao, L.M., and Stork, A. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD A multi-layered architecture for sketch-based interaction within three-dimensional virtual environments , Computer Graphics, Vol.24, no.6, 2000, 851-867

67%; open Bimber, O., Encarnacao, M. L. and Stork, A. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD a multi-layered architecture for stetchbased interaction within virtual environments , Computers & Graphics 24, pp851-867

67%; open Bimber, O., Encarnaçăo, L.M., and A. Stork (2000) Find in CUMINCAD A multi-layered architecture for sketch-based interaction within virtual environments , Computers & Graphics 24(6): 851-867

67%; open Castells, M. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Grassrooting the space of flows , Wheeler, J. O., Aoyama, Y., and Barney, W. (eds.), Cities in the telecommunications age: the fracturing of geographies, Routledge, London, pp. 18-27

67%; open Ceccato, C., Falk, L. and Fischer, Th. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD The Silk Road: An Interactive Online Encyclopaedia as a Foundation for Networked Education in Design , SIGraDií2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (SIGRADI Conference Proceedings), pp. 50-54

67%; open Cheng, N. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Web-based Teamwork in Design Education , Barros, Borde, Kos (ed), Construindo (n)o Espacio, Rio de Janiero

67%; open Cheng, N. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Web-based Teamwork in Design Education , Barros, Borde, Kos (eds), Construindo (n)o Espacio, Rio de Janeiro

67%; open Crawley, D B, Pedersen, C O, Lawrie, L K and Winkelmann, F C (2000) Find in CUMINCAD EnergyPlus: Energy Simulation Program (2000) , ASHRAE Journal, 42(4), pp. 49-56

67%; open Crawley, D. B., Lawrie, L. K., Pedersen, C. O. & Winkelmann, F. C. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD EnergyPlus: Energy Simulation Program , ASHRAE Journal, 42

67%; open Crawley, D. B., Pedersen, C. O., Lawrie, L. K. and Winkelman, F. C. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD EnergyPlus: Energy Simulation Program , ASHRAE Journal, 42(4), 49–56

67%; open de Berg, M, van Kreveld, M, Overmars, M and Schwarzkopf, O (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Computational Geometry. Algorithms and Applications , Springer, Berlin

67%; open De Berg, M., van Kreveld, M., Overmars, M., Schwarzkopf, O. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Computational Geometry , Springer, Verlag

67%; open De Berq, M. , Van Kreveld, M. , Overmars, M. , and Schwarzkopf, O. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Computational Geometry , Birkhauser, Boston

67%; open Demirkan, O.; Demirbas, O. and Halime (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Privacy dimension: a case study in the interior architecture design studio , Journal of Environment Psychology, 20, 53-64

67%; open Erbatur F, Hasançebi O, Tütüncü I, et al. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Optimal design of planar and space structures with genetic algorithms , Comput Struct; 75(2): 209–224

67%; open Farenc, N., S.R. Musse, E. Schweiss, M. Kallmann, O. Aune, R. Boulic and D. Thalmann (2000) Find in CUMINCAD A Paradigm for Controlling Virtual Humans in Urban Environment Simulations , Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal, Special issue on intelligent virtual environments

67%; open Farenc, N., S.R. Musse, E. Schweiss, M. Kallmann, O. Aune, R. Boulic and D. Thalmann (2000) Find in CUMINCAD A Paradigm for Controlling Virtual Humans in Urban Environment Simulations , Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal, Special issue on intelligent virtual environments

67%; open Gatermann, H. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD From Vrml to Augmented Reality Via Panorama-Integration and Eai-Java , IV Congreso SIGRADI, editado por J.Ripper Kós, A.Pessoa Borde y D.Rodriguez Barros,254-256. Río de Janeiro. Septiembre 2000

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