Translations from Drawing to Building
, AA Files 12, London: Architectural Association, Summer
EuropiA88, Proceedings of the applications of artificial intelligence to building, architecture and civil engineering
, CIMA. Editions Hermes
Introduction to EDIF
, 2001 Eye Street, N. W., Washington D.C. 20006: Electronic Industries Association
Visualizing Climate to Assist in Architectural Design
, Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Microcomputer Applications in Energy, D. E. Osborn, ed., 49-54. University of Arizona, USA, April 25-27
Introduction to shell structures: the art and science of vaulting
, Van Nostrand Reinhold
From System Description to Scripts for Action
, Greenbaum and Kyng, 241-269
Design in Action: From Prototyping by Demonstration to Cooperative Prototyping
, Greenbaum J & Kyng M (eds) Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 197-218
An introduction to case-based reasoning
, Artificial Intelligence Review, 6(1), 3-34
Application of the new production philosophy to construction
, Stanford: Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Set./1992. 81p
Application of the New Production philosophy to Construction
, Technical Report n. 72.Center for Integrated Facility Engineering.Department of Civil Engineering.Stanford University,72 p
Case-based design: A task analysis
, Artificial intelligence approaches to engineering design, 2, 165-184
Behavior Construction Kits. Communications of the ACM - Special Issue on Computer Augmented Environments: Back to the Real World
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The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann
, Princeton University Press, 5th ed., Chichester, West Sussex
A counter-example to Kelvin's conjecture on minimal surfaces
, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2(69), 107-110
From cells to cities
, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 21(7) 31–48
The Secrets of Themepark to Gather People
, Nikkei Shinbun, Tokyo, Japan
Constructivism: From Tatlin and Rodchenko to a “functional method” for building design
, Russian Avant-garde, Theories of Art, Architecture and the City, Academy Editions, London, pp. 99-121
Software environment to support early phases in building design (SEED): Overview
, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 1(4), pp.147-152
P1000 Science and Technology Information Visualization. A roadmap to provide information visualization technology broadly within the intelligence community
, 16 September 1996, Version 2
Translations from Drawing to Building and other Essays
, London: Architectural Association