Architecture Follows Nature-Biomimetic Principles of Innovative Design
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Application Study of Wavelight Pattern in Parametric Design
, Proceedings of the DADA2013 international conference on digital architecture, Beijing, September, 2013, pp. 583-599
Graph-based retrieval of building information models for supporting the early design stages
, Advanced Engineering Informatics
Playbook for Research Methods: integrating conceptual frameworks and project management
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Ladybug: A Parametric Environmental Plugin For Grasshopper to Help Designers Create an Environmentally-Conscious Design
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Topology Optimization: Theory, Methods, and Applications
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Future home design: an emotional communication channel approach to Smart Space
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Exploring and Enhancing Spatial Thinking Links to Achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics?
, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(5), 367-373
First wave of virtual reality games will let you live the dream
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Theories of the Digital in Architecture
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The project benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM)
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Computational fluid dynamics for architectural design
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BIM: innovation in design management, influence and challenges of implementation
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From Model Thinking to Process Design
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Modelled on Software Engineering: Flexible Parametric Models in the Practice of Architecture
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Introducing a Workshop to build an Affordable 3D-Scanner: Presenting a Variety of Computational Concepts to Novice Students of Architecture
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Generative Design
, Technico Lisboa
A question of qualities
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Visual Architectural Topology – An Ontology-Based Visual Language Tool in an Architectural Case Library
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