CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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67%; open Danil Nagy, Damon Lau, John Locke, James Stoddart, Lorenzo Villaggi, Ray Wang, Dale Zhao, and David Benjamin (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Project Discover: An Application of Generative Design for Architectural Space Planning , SIMAUD ‘17: Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architectureand Urban Design

67%; open Du, J, Zou, Z, Shi, Y and Zhao, D (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Zero latency: Real-time synchronization of BIM data in virtual reality for collaborative decision-making , Automation in Construction, 85(October 2017), pp. 51-64

67%; open Fei, M. A., Fr, A., Kfy, B., Yg, A., Cz, A., Dan, G. A. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD The spatial coupling effect between urban public transport and commercial complexes: A network centrality perspective - ScienceDirect , Sustainable Cities and Society, 50, 101645-101645.Fotheringham, A. S., Yang, W., Kang, W. (2017). Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR). Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(6), 1247-1265.Harris, P., Fotheringham, A. S., Crespo, R., Charlton, M. (2018). Inference in multi-scale geographically weighted regression. WILEY, 43(3), 399.Jia, J., Zhang, X. (2021). A human-scale investigation into economic benefits of urban green and blue infrastructure based on big data and machine learning: A case study of Wuhan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 316, 128321.Oshan, T. M., Li, Z., Kang, W., Wolf, L. J., Fotheringham, A. S. (2019). MGWR: A Python Implementation of Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression for Investigating Process Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale. International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(6), 269.Rifkin, J. (2013). The Third Industrial Revolution. International Study Reference, 6(1), 8-11.Yu H, Fotheringham A S, Li Z, et al. (2019). Inference in multi-scale geographically weighted regression. Geographical Analysis, 52(1), 87-106

67%; open Fu, Q., Chen, X., Wang, X., Wen, S., Zhou, B. & Fu, H. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Adaptive synthesis of indoor scenes via activity-associated object relation graphs , ACM TOG, 36(6), 1-13

67%; open Gao, Y., Guo, X. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Digital techniques for smart making: Design of Tianyi Lake Children’s Experience Pavilion and application of digital technologies , Architectural Journal, 584, 30-35

67%; open Geng, Q, Zhou, Z and Cao, X (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Survey of recent progress in semantic image segmentation with CNNs , Science China Information Sciences, 61, pp. 51-101

67%; open Grübel, J, Jiang, MH, Hölscher, C, Hackman, DA and Schinazi, VR (2017) Find in CUMINCAD EVE: A Framework for Experiments in Virtual Environments , Barkowsky, S, Burte, H, Hölscher, C and Schultheis, H (eds.) Spatial Cognition X, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 159-176

67%; open Grübel, J, Weibel, R, Jiang, MH, Hölscher, C, Hackman, DA and Schinazi, VR (2017) Find in CUMINCAD EVE: A Framework for Experiments in Virtual Environments , Barkowsky, T, Burte, H, Hölscher, C and Schultheis, H (eds), Spatial Cognition X, Springer, p. 159-176

67%; open Guan, H., Wei, H., He, X., Ren, Z., & An, B. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD The Tree-species-specific Effect of Forest Bathing on Perceived Anxiety Alleviation of Young Adults in Urban Forests , Annals of Forest Research, (). Available at:

67%; open Guo, X., Gao, Y., and Wu, B. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Simplex Intelligence beyond Complex Techniques , Architecture Technique, 76-85

67%; open Guo, X., Zhou, J. H., Zhang, W. S., Du, Z. L., Liu, C., Liu, Y. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Self-supporting structure design in additive manufacturing through explicit topology optimization , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 323, 27-63.

67%; open He, T, Chen, X, Chen, Z, Li, Y, Liu, S, Hou, J and He, Y (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Immersive and collaborative Taichi motion learning in various VR environments , InIEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp. 307-308

67%; open He, Y., Ma, Y.H., Zhang, X.R. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD “DIGITAL HERITAGE” THEORY AND INNOVATIVE PRACTICE , Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLII-2/W5, 335–342.

67%; open Hongwei Wang, Jia Wang, Jialin Wang, Miao Zhao, Weinan Zhang, Fuzheng Zhang, Xing Xie, and Minyi Guo (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Graphgan: graph representation learning with generative adversarial nets , arXiv preprintarXiv: 1711.08267

67%; open Hu, J., Chen, W., Zhao, B. and Yang, D. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Buildings with ETFE foils: a review on material properties, architectural performance and structural behavior , Construction and Building Materials, 131, pp. 411-422

67%; open Hu, Y. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Geospatial Semantics , Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems, 2017, 80-94.

67%; open Huang, X, White, M and Burry, M (2017) Find in CUMINCAD A pedestrian-centric design strategy: melding reactive scripting with multi-agent simulation , in Proc. of SIMAUD2017, pp. 1-8

67%; open Huang, X, White, M and Burry, M (2017) Find in CUMINCAD A pedestrian-centric design strategy: melding reactive scripting with multi-agent simulation , Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, p. 34

67%; open Ji, X, Xiang, X and Hu, T (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Data-driven augmented reality display and operations for UAV ground stations , Published in: 2017 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems (DDCLS)

67%; open Kazemian A., X. Yuan, E. Cochran, B. Khoshnevis (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Cementitious materials for construction-scale 3D printing: Laboratory testing of fresh printing mixture , Constr. Build. Mater. 145 639–647

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