Elements of Parametric Design
, Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Elements of Parametric Design
, New York, Routledge
Elements of Parametric Design
, Nova York: Routledge
Design and fabrication of materials with desired deformation behavior
, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) (Vol. 29, No. 4, p. 63). ACM
High-performance façades for commercial buildings, Masters Thesis, Master of Science in Sustainable Design
, The University of Texas at Austin - School of Architecture
Design and Reusability of Learning Objects in an Academic Context: A New Economy of Education?
, Moncton, Canada: National Research Council Recuperado de
Simulation and validation of human movement in building spaces
, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37, 592-609
Parametric Design Process of a Complex Building
, Practice Using Programmed Code As Master Model’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, Issue (3), Vol. 8, September 2010, pp. 359-376
The open book of social innovations. Social innovator series: ways to design, develop and grow social innovations
, The Young Foundation, 30(8), 224
The new structuralism: design, engineering and architectural technologies
, AD Vol. 80, I. 4. (pp. 15-23)
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues
, International journal of architectural computing, Londres. v. 08 n.3, 337 - 358. Doi: 10.1260/147807708784640090
Design Thinking
, Rio de Janeiro: Elvesier
Materializing complexity
, Architectural Design, 80(4), pp. 86–93
Elements of parametric design
, Oxford: Routledge
Elements of Parametric Design
, Routledge, New York; London
Tutorial on the Use of DAYSIM Simulations for Sustainable Design
, Harvard University, Cambridge
Strategies for parameric design in architecture. an application of practice led research (Doctoral thesis)
, University of Bath, Bath, England
Comparison of CAD and manual sketching tools for teaching architectural design
, Automation in Construction, 19(8), 978-987
Elements of Parametric Design
, New York: Routledge
Design Space Exploration
, Elements of Parametric Design, New York, Routledge, pp. 275-287