CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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25%; open Borradori, G. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Against the Technological Interpretation of Virtuality , AD Hypersurface Architecture II, vol 69 (9-10), 26-31

25%; open Borriello, G, Chalmers, M, LaMarca, A and Nixon, P (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Delivering real-world ubiquitous location systems , Communications of the ACM, 48(3), pp. 36-41.

25%; open Borrman, A, Preidel, C (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Towards Code Compliance Checking on The Basis of a Visual Programming Language , Journal of Information Technology in Construction, avail. at:, (Access 29.9.21)

25%; open Borrmann A., van Treeck, C. et Rank, E. (2006) Find in CUMINCAD Towards a 3D Spatial Query Language for Building Information Model , Proc. of the Joint Int. Conf. for Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montréal

25%; open Borrmann, A and Beetz, J (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Towards spatial reasoning on building information models , Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM), Cork, Ireland, pp. 1-6

25%; open Borrmann, A, Hyvärinen, J and Rank, E (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Spatial constraints in collaborative design processes , Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE09), Berlin, pp. 1-8

25%; open Borrmann,  A. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD From GIS to BIM and back again – A spatial query language for 3D building models and 3D city models , Proceedings of the 5th International 3D GeoInfo Conference. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 38, 19-26

25%; open Borshchev, A and Filippov, A (2004) Find in CUMINCAD From System Dynamics and Discrete Event to Practical Agent Based Modeling: Reasons, Techniques, Tools , The 22nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Oxford, England, pp. 959-966

25%; open Borsi, F. (1986) Find in CUMINCAD Leon Battista Alberti, The Complete Works , Electa, New York

25%; open Borsi, Franco (1977) Find in CUMINCAD Leon Battista Alberti: The Complete Works , New York: Electa/Rizzoli

25%; open Borst, W.N. (1997) Find in CUMINCAD Construction of Engineering Ontologies for Knowledge Sharing and Reuse , Thesis Enschede. Dutch Graduate School for Information and Knowledge Systems. The Netherlands. Recuperado em 21 de abril de 2010, de inf/1/t0000004.pdf

25%; open Borth, D., Ji, R., Chen, T., Breuel, T. & Chang, S.-F. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs , Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 223–232

25%; open Bortoft, H (1996 ) Find in CUMINCAD The Wholeness of Nature: Goethe’s way toward a science of conscious participation in nature , Hudson, N.Y.:Lindisfame Press

25%; open Bortolini, M., Gamberi, M., Pilati, F. & Regattieri, A. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Automatic assessment of the ergonomic risk for manual manufacturing and assembly activities through optical motion capture technology , Procedia CIRP, 72, 81–86.

25%; open Bortz, F. (1992) Find in CUMINCAD Mind Tools: The Science of Artificial Intelligence , Franklin Watts

25%; open Borukhov, E (1978) Find in CUMINCAD The trade-off between density and other objectives: A re-examination of planning norms , GeoJournal, 2(1), pp. 71-80

25%; open Borunda L, Ladron de Guevara M, Anaya J, et al. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Optimized additive manufacturing building components , Proceedings of the International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building (CITE), Madrid, Spain. Madrid: International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building (CITE)

25%; open Borup, Mads, Nik Brown, Kornelia Konrad, and Harro Van Lente (2006) Find in CUMINCAD The Sociology of Expectations in Science and Technology , Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 18 (3–4): 285–298

25%; open Bos, F. P., Menna, C., Pradena, M., Kreiger, E., da Silva, W. R. L., Rehman, A. U., Weger, D., Wolfs, R. J. M., Zhang, Y., Ferrara, L., & Mechtcherine, V. (2022) Find in CUMINCAD The realities of additively manufactured concrete structures in practice , Cement and Concrete Research, 156, 106746.

25%; open Bos, FP, Ahmed, ZY, Wolfs, R and Salet, TA (2018) Find in CUMINCAD 3D Printing Concrete with Reinforcement , High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet - Proceedings of the 2017 fib Symposium, 1, pp. 2484-2493

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