On the use of bioclimatic architecture principles in order to improve thermal comfort conditions in outdoor spaces
, Building and Environment, 42, 317-324
On the inspiration of creative thinking for engineering students, Information Technologies and Application in Education
, First IEEE International Symposium, 1, 443-448
Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD and Simulations
, McGraw Hill Professional
The time and space of physical modeling
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Approaching the transition to adulthood: Distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare system
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Auxetic materials
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Geometry, Light and Cosmology
, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 5, 304–319
The body in space: Dimensions of embodiment
, Body, language, and mind: Embodiment, 1, 339-378
Synthesis of design production with integrated digital Fabrication
, Automation in Construction, 16 (3), 298-310
Experiences of Artifacts, Keyworks in radical constructivism
, Ernst von Glasersfeld. M. Larochelle, (Ed.), (pp. 249-259). Rotterdam, Taipei: Sense Publishers
Parametric designing in architecture
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The double-curvature masonry vaults of Eladio Dieste
, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 160, 3-11
Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop--from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication
, Basic Books
Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop--from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication
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Architectural Geometry
, Exton, Pensnsylvania: Bentley Institute Press
Interpreting Architectural Space through Camera Movement
, CAADFutures 2007, Sydney, Australia. 525-539
Introduction: Exterminating Angel
, Forget Foucault, edited by Jean Baudrillard. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e)
Oscar Niemeyer
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Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography
, GeoJournal, Volume 69, Issue 4, August 2007
Revitalizing architectural design studio teaching using ICT: Reflections on practical implementations
, International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 3(1)