CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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25%; open Carlis, J.V. and Konstan, J.A. (1998) Find in CUMINCAD Interactive Visualization of Serial Periodic Data , the proceedings of UIST'98, the 11th annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, San Francisco

25%; open Carlson, Cristopher (1994) Find in CUMINCAD Design space description formalisms , Formal Design Methods for CAD IFIP WG5.2 , J. S. Gero and E. Tyugu (eds), B(18):121-131, Elsevier Science B.V. North Holland

25%; open Carlucci, S., Cattarin, G., Causone, F., & Pagliano, L. (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Multi-objective Optimization of a Nearly Zero-energy Building Based on Thermal and Visual Discomfort Minimization Using a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (nsga-ii) , Elsevier: Energy and Buildings, 14, 378-394. Available at:

25%; open Carmigniani, J and Furht, B (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Augmented Reality: An Overview , Springer New York, New York

25%; open Carmigniani, J and Furht, B (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Augmented Reality: An Overview , Carmigniani, J and Furht, B (eds), Handbook of Augmented Reality, Springer, p. 3-46

25%; open Carmigniani, J and Furht, B (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Handbook of Augmented Reality , Springer Science & Business Media.

25%; open Carmigniani, J, Furht, B, Anisetti, M, Ceravolo, P, Damiani, E and Ivkovic, M (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Augmented reality technologies, systems and applications , Multimedia tools and applications, 51(1), pp. 341-377

25%; open Carmody, J., Selkowitz, S., Lee, E., Dariush, A., Willmert, T. (2004) Find in CUMINCAD Window Systems for High-Performance Buildings , New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc

25%; open Carmona M (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Place value: place quality and its impact on health, social, economic and environmental outcomes , J Urban Des 2018; 24(1): 1–48,

25%; open Carmona, M.; Punter, J. and Chapman, D. (2002) Find in CUMINCAD From design policy to design quality , RTPI. Thomas Telford, UK

25%; open Carneau, P. et al. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Additive manufacturing of cantilever - from masonry to concrete 3D printing , Automation in Construction, 116, p. 103184. Available at:

25%; open Carneau, P., Mesnil, R., Roussel, N., & Baverel, O. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Additive Manufacturing of Cantilever-from Masonry to Concrete 3D Printing , Automation in Construction, 116, 13184. Available at:

25%; open Carneiro, C Morello, E Ratti, C and Golay, F (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Solar radiation over the urban texture: LIDAR data and image processing techniques for environmental analysis at city scale , J Lee, S Zlatanova (eds), 3D Geo-information Sciences (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography ed), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 319–340

25%; open Caroll, S., Grenier J. and Weatherbee S. (2005) Find in CUMINCAD From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design , 10-242. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

25%; open Carothers, J.C. (1959) Find in CUMINCAD Culture, Psychiatry and the Written Word , Psychiatry, Nov

25%; open Carp, J. C. (1986) Find in CUMINCAD Design participation: new roles, new tools , Design Studies, 7(3), 125-132.

25%; open Carpenter, K. J., (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Stomatal Architecture and Evolution in Basal Angiosperms , American Journal of Botany, 92(10), 2005, 1595-1615

25%; open Carpenter, Kevin J. (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Stomatal Architecture and Evolution in Basal Angiosperms , American Journal of Botany 92(10): 1595-1615

25%; open Carpenter, Kevin J. (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Stomatal Architecture and Evolution in Basal Angiosperms , American Journal of Botany 92(10): 1595-1615

25%; open Carpman, J., Grant, M. (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Wayfinding: A broad view , Bechtel, R. B., & Churchman, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology (pp. 427-443). John Wiley & Sons

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