The effects of horticultural activities on chronic psychiatric patients
, Tunghai University
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues
, International journal of architectural computing, Londres. v. 08 n.3, 337 - 358. Doi: 10.1260/147807708784640090
Simple augmented reality
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Toward a Ludic Architecture: the Space of Play and Games
, Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press
From the Internet of Computers to the Internet of Things
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Systems Thinking for Curious Managers: With 40 New Management f-Laws
, Triarchy Press Ltd
Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications
, Springer
Embedded intelligence: material responsiveness in façade systems
, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design Architecture (ACADIA)
An empirical investigation of the relationship of CAD use in designing and creativity
, PhD Thesis, Loughborough University, UK
Elements of parametric design
, Oxford: Routledge
You must remember this: What makes something memorable?
, Scientific American, September, 2010
Towards Studio 21: Experiments in Design Education Using BIM
, SIGraDi 2010_Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Bogotá, 43–46
Performance-based and Performance-driven Architectural Design and Optimization
, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 4(4), 512-518
Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture
, New Haven: Yale School of Architecture
Review and analysis of current strategies for planning a BIM curriculum
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Embracing Complexity in Design
, Routledge, New York
Design Thinking
, Rio de Janeiro: Elvesier
Form+Code in Design, Art and Architecture
, New York, Princeton Architectural Press
A Resource Oriented Architecture for the Web of Things
, Proceedings of Internet of Things International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1-8
Towards Teaching Generative Design in Architecture
, Ceccato C. et al. Advances in Architectural Geometry. Springer Wien New York, Viena.(pp 113-128)