The cognitive basis of material engagement: where brain, body and culture conflate
, Rethinking materiality, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
A stability measure for underconstrained cable-driven robots
, Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA'04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 5, pp. 4943-4949). IEEE
The importance of awareness for team cognition
, Team cognition: understanding the factors that drive process and performance (pp. 177-201). Washington: American Psychological Association
Pattern language: A framework for learning
, European Journal of Operational Research, 153(2), 457-465
Depth-image-based rendering (DIBR), compression, and transmission for a new approach on 3D-TV.
, Electronic Imaging 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics
Desigining a methods platform for design and design research
, Futureground: DRS International Confernce. Melbourne
ARTHUR: A Collaborative Augmented Environment for Architectural Design and Urban Planning.
, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 1
Designing Open Spaces in the Urban Environment: A Bioclimatic Approach
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Adapting a teleoperated device for autonomous control using three-dimensional positioning sensors: experiences with the NIST RoboCrane
, Automation in Construction, 13(1), 101-118
Changing Roles for (Multi) Media Tools in Design: Assessing Developments and Applications of (Multi)Media Techniques
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Adapting virtual reality for the participatory design of work environments
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Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis
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Artificial Intelligence and Emergence in Architecture: A multi-agent based model for design processes
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SGML: A Meta-Language for Shape Grammar
, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Of Architecture, MIT, Cambridge, MA