CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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33%; open Schumacher, P and Zheng, L (2017) Find in CUMINCAD From Typology to Topology. Social, Spatial, and Structural. , Architectural Journal, 2017/11(590), pp. 1-18

33%; open Schumacher, T.L. (19??) Find in CUMINCAD From Abstraction to Symbolism and Back Again , Harvard Architecture Review 3, p. 57

33%; open Schumacher, Thomas L. (1987) Find in CUMINCAD Deep Space/Shallow Spacepp , The Architectural Review (January 1987) 37-42

33%; open Schwartz, L. (1998) Find in CUMINCAD Computer-aided illusions: ambiguity, perspective and motion , Visual Computer 14(2): 52-68

33%; open Schwartz, P., Bricker, L., Campbell, B., Furness, T., Inkpen, K., Matheson, L., Nakamura, N., Shen, L.-S., Tanney, S., and Yeh, S. (1998) Find in CUMINCAD VirtualPlayground: Architectures for a Shared Virtual World , Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software andTechnology1998 (pp. 43-50). New York: ACM

33%; open Schwartz, T and Mondardini, L (2014) Find in CUMINCAD Integrated Design and Robotized Prototyping of Abeille , McGee, W and Ponce de Leon, M (eds), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 199-209

33%; open Schwartz, W.; Kembhavi, A.; Harwood, D.; Davis, L. (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Human detection using partial least squares analysis , Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision,Kyoto,Japan,27September–4October.pp.24–31

33%; open Schwarzkopf, S., Von Stulpnagel, R., Buchner, S. J., Konieczny, L., Kallert, G., & Holscher, C. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD What Lab Eye Tracking Tells Us About Wayfinding a Comparison of Stationary and Mobile Eye Tracking in a Large Building Scenario , Eye Tracking for Spatial Research, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop (conjunction with COSIT 213) (pp. 31-36)

33%; open Schwarzkopf, S., von Stülpnagel, R., Büchner, S. J., Konieczny, L., Kallert, G. & Hölscher, C. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD What lab eye tracking tells us about wayfinding a comparison of stationary and mobile eye tracking in a large building scenario , Eye Tracking for Spatial Research, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop (conjunction with COSIT 2013) (pp. 31-36)

33%; open Schwarzmann, W. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Traditional Knowledge on Modern Milling Robots—How CNC-joinery machines promote a renaissance to lost techniques in the profession of a carpenter , Werner, L and Koering, D (Eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the Cognitive Age - Proceedings of the 38th ECAADe Conference - Volume 2, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, Pp. 597-604

33%; open Schweizer, C, Edwards, RD, Bayer-Oglesby, L, Gauderman, WJ, Ilacqua, V, Jantunen, MJ, Lai, HK, Nieuwenhuijsen, M and Künzli, N (2007) Find in CUMINCAD Indoor time-microenvironment-activity patterns in seven regions of Europe , J. of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 17(2), pp. 170-181

33%; open Schönberger, Johannes L., and Jan-Michael Frahm (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Structure-from-Motion Revisited , Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 4104–13. Las Vegas: CVPR.

33%; open Schönberger, Johannes L., Enliang Zheng, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Marc Pollefeys (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Pixelwise View Selection for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo , European Conference on Computer Vision. 501–18. Cham: Springer

33%; open Schönberger, Johannes L., True Price, Torsten Sattler, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Marc Pollefeys (2016) Find in CUMINCAD A Vote-and-Verify Strategy for fast Spatial Verification in Image Retrieval , Proceedings of the 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 321–37. Cham: Springer

33%; open Schönwandt, W. L. (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Planning in Crisis? Theoretical Orientations for Architecture and Planning , Aldershot: Ashgate

33%; open Scott, I. (1972) Find in CUMINCAD The Lüscher Color Test , Cox and Wyman Ltd., London

33%; open Scott, L (2016) Find in CUMINCAD The four-dimensional human: Ways of being in the digital world , Random House

33%; open Scott, M.L. (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Programming Language Pragmatics , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

33%; open Scott, M.L. (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Programming Language Pragmatics , 3rd edn. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

33%; open Scott, ML (2006) Find in CUMINCAD Programming Language Pragmatics , s.l.:Elsevier

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