CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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25%; open Kamath, A. V. (2013 ) Find in CUMINCAD Digitally Designed Architectural Form-Built Using Craft-Based Fabrication – Weaving a Complex Surface as a Bamboo Reticulated Shell , Stouffs, R. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of CAADRIA 2013, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 623–632

25%; open KAMRAMI, A. AND SFERRO, P. R. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Direct Engineering – Toward Intelligent Manufacturing , Kluwer Academic Publishers

25%; open Kan, J.W.T. & Gero, J.S. (2009) Find in CUMINCAD A generic tool to study human design activity , Noell, R., Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P. & Badke-Schaub, P. (eds). Human Behavior in Design, Design Society, pp. 9 : 123-134

25%; open Kanbur, R (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Pareto's revenge , Cornell University

25%; open Kanbur, R (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Conceptualising Informality: Regulation and Enforcement , Discussion Paper Series, 4186, pp. 1-19

25%; open Kanda, M., R. Moriwaki, Y. Kimoto (2005) Find in CUMINCAD Temperature Profiles Within and Above an Urban Canopy , Boundary-Layer Metereology 115: 499-506

25%; open Kandinsky, W. (1979) Find in CUMINCAD Point And Line To Plane , New York, Dover Publications [Unabridged republication of the work as published by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, New York City, in 1947, in a translation by Howard Dearstyne and Hilla Rebay, edited and prefaced by Hilla Rebay. The work was originally published in 1926 as Punkt und Linie zu Fläche, the ninth in a series of fourteen Bauhaus books edited by Walter Gropius and L. Moholy-Nagy]

25%; open Kandinsky, W. (1979) Find in CUMINCAD Point And Line To Plane , New York, Dover Publications. [Unabridged republication of the work as published by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, New York City, in 1947, in a translation by Howard Dearstyne and Hilla Rebay, edited and prefaced by Hilla Rebay. The work was originally published in 1926 as Punkt und Linie zu Fläche, the ninth in a series of fourteen Bauhaus books edited by Walter Gropius and L. Moholy-Nagy]

25%; open Kandinsky, W. (1979) Find in CUMINCAD Point And Line To Plane , New York, Dover Publications. [Unabridged republication of the work as published by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, New York City, in 1947, in a translation by Howard Dearstyne and Hilla Rebay, edited and prefaced by Hilla Rebay. The work was originally published in 1926 as Punkt und Linie zu Fläche, the ninth in a series of fourteen Bauhaus books edited by Walter Gropius and L. Moholy-Nagy]

25%; open Kang, T. W; Choi, H. S; Hwang, J. R; Hog, C. H. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD The study related to the metadata for the attribute mapping from IFC to CityGML , Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 30(6), 559–565

25%; open Kang, T. W; Hong, C. H; Hwang, J. R; Choi H. S. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD The External BIM Reference Model Suggestion for Interoperability Between BIM and GIS , Journal of Korea spatial information society, 20(5), 91–98

25%; open Kapadia, M., Shoulson, A., Steimer, C., Oberholzer, S., Sumner, R.W., Gross, M. (2016) Find in CUMINCAD An eventcentric approach to authoring stories in crowds , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Motion in Games

25%; open Kapell, M., & Elliott, A. B. R. (Eds.). (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Playing with the Past: Digital Games and the Simulation of History , New York: Bloomsbury Academic

25%; open Kapell, Matthew Wilhelm; Elliott, Andrew B.R (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Playing with the Past: Digital Games and the Simulation of History , Bloomsbury Academic

25%; open Kaplan C. (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Metamorphosis in Escher’s art , Proceedings of the bridges conference, mathematical connections in art, music and science (ed Sarhangi R and Sequin C), Leeuwarden, 24–28 July 2008, pp. 39–46. Phoenix, Arizona: Tessellations Publishing

25%; open Kaplan C. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Curve evolution schemes for Parquet Deformations , Proceedings of the bridges conference, mathematics, music, art, architecture, culture (ed Hart GW and Sarhangi R), Pécs, 24–28 July 2010, pp. 95–103. Phoenix, Arizona: Tessellations Publishing

25%; open Kaplan, C. S. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns , R. Sarhangi (ed), .Bridges 2000 Proceedings

25%; open Kaplan, C. S. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns , R. Sarhangi (ed. ), Bridges 2000 Proceedings

25%; open Kaplan, R and Kaplan, S (1989) Find in CUMINCAD The experience of nature: A psychological perspective , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

25%; open Kaplan, R and Kaplan, S (1989) Find in CUMINCAD The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

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