CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Natural-born cyborgs? Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind , Springer

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Construction of the Downland Gridshell , The Structural Engineer, 79, No. 17, 4 September

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Research Design in Social Research , SAGE Publications

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Digital fabrication: manufacturing architecture in the information age , ACADIA, 2001, 268-277

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD The Everywhere Displays Projector: A De- vice to Create Ubiquitous Graphical Interfaces , Proc. UbiComp '01. 315-331

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD What Kind of Space is Cyberspace? , Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 5: 138–155

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Comparative Studies of Metamodelling Techniques Under Multiple Modelling Criteria , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 23(1), 1-13

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD And he was magic , Kybernetes 30(5), 652-673

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD The cable array robot: Theory and experiment , Robotics and Automation, 2001. Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 3, pp. 2804-2810). IEEE

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD How are visuospatial working memory, executive functioning, and spatial abilities related? A latentvariable analysis , Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130(4), 621

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD From isovists to visibility graphs: a methodology for the analysis of architectural space , Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 28

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Self-organizing maps , 3rd Edition. Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer, 105–109

33%; open (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Towards a natural and appropriate Architectural Virtual Reality: the nAVRgate project. Past, present, future , Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 0-7923-7023-6] Eindhoven, 8-11 July 2001, pp. 139-149

33%; open A New Epoch: Automated Design Tools for the Mass Customization of Housing (2001) Find in CUMINCAD LARSON, K., TAPIA M., AND DUARTE J. , A+U, Vol. 366, March 2001

33%; open Aalto, A., Opulens, A. A. Foundation, A. Aalto-museo, and J. s. n. yliopisto (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Alvar Aalto houses 2.0 paradises for ordinary people , Jyväskylä Finland : Opulens

33%; open Aarseth E. (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Computer game studies, year one , Game Stud; 1: 1–15

33%; open Aarseth, EJ (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Allegories of space. The Question of Spatiality in Computer Games , Koskimaa, R and Eskelinen, M (eds), Cybertext Yearbook 2000, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, pp. 44-47

33%; open Aarseth, EJ (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Computer game studies, year one , Game studies, 1(1), pp. 1-15

33%; open Aarts, E, Harwig, HH and Schuurmans, M (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Ambient Intelligence , The Invisible Future, New York, pp. pp. 235 - 250

33%; open ABACUS (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Glasgow2000: The Story of the City , Scran, Glasgow

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