Thoughtful interaction design A design perspective on information technology
, The MIT Press, Cambridge. 8
The Phaidon atlas of contemporary world architecture
, Phaidon Press, London; New York, p. 39
Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing
, Taylor & Francis.
ARTHUR: A Collaborative Augmented Environment for Architectural Design and Urban Planning.
, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 1
One place after another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity
, Boston: The MIT Press
Interaction with our electronic environment an e-cological approach to physical interface design
, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Automated Construction by Contour Crafting - Related Robotics and Information Technologies
, Journal of Automation Construction – Special Issue: The best of ISARC 2002, 13, Issue 1, 5-19
Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies
, Architectural Design, Londres: Wiley
Islamic Architecture as a Field of Historical Enquiry
, Architectural design, , no. 6, pp. 18-23
Architecture's New Media
, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, US
An Open Building Strategy for achieving dwelling unit autonomy in multi-unit housing
, House and Society, 31(1), 89–99
Designing Open Spaces in the Urban Environment: A Bioclimatic Approach
, Athens, GR: Center for Renewable Energy Sources
Social sustainability: towards some definitions
, Hawke Res. Inst. Work. Pap. Ser. No 27
Parametric Design: A Paradigm Shift?
, Master’s Thesis, MIT, Cambridge
Globalization and the built environment in Kuwait
, Habitat Int. 28, 505–519
Ghost of Architecture: The Project and its Codification
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Craft and Digital Technology
, World Craft Council 40th Annual Conference, Metsovo, Greece
Action in perception
, MIT Press
Architecture’s new media: Principles, theories, and methods of computeraided design
, MIT Press, Cambridge
Arch-OS: An operating system for buildings
, ACADIA Conference 2004