Design aesthetics: principles of pleasure in design
, Psychology science, 48(2), 157
Theory and design in the first digital age
, Design Studies 27. London: Elsevier
Control and Collaboration: Digital fabrication strategies in academia and practice
, International journal of architectural computing, 04, 121-143
Algorithmic architecture
, Routledge
Materializing design: the implications of rapid prototyping in digital design
, Design Studies, 27(3), 325-355
Theory and Design in the first Digital Age
, Design Studies, 27 (3), 229- 265
Culture and communication: can landscape visualization improve forest management consultation with indigenous communities
, Landscape and Urban Planning, 77:291–313
Algorithmic Computer Reconstructions of Stalactite Vaults - Muqarnas - in Islamic Architecture, PhD Thesis
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Whither Design Space?
, AIEDAM, Special Issue on Design Spaces: The Explicit Representation of Spaces of Alternatives, 20:63-82
A computer support tool for the early stages of architectural design
, Interacting with Computers , 18 (4), 528-555
Atlas of Novel Tectonics
, Nueva York: Princeton Architectural Press
Theory and Design in the First Digital Age
, Design Studies, 27 (3), pp. 49-63
Unit operations: an approach to videogame criticism
, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press
Materializing design: the implications of rapid prototyping in digital design
, Design Studies, 27(3), 325-355
Algorithmic Architecture
, Architectural Press
From concept to realization
, Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design Architecture. Louisville
Design Procedures: A Computational Framework for Parametric Design and Complex Shapes in Architecture
, United States: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute of Technology (PhD Thesis)
The Use of Computers in Architectural Research and Practice
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