Pavilion 21 MINI Opera Space
, Vienna, AT: Himmelprint
The New Mathematics of Architecture
, Thames & Hudson
Elements of Parametric Design
, New York: Routledge
Privacy and Perceptions: How Facebook Advertising Affects ist Users
, The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, Vol. 1, No. 1, 24-34
Topological optimization for designing patient-specific large craniofacial segmental bone replacements
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS, Vol. 107, pages 13222-13227
Paneling architectural freeform surfaces
, ACM SIGGRAPH Tansaction on Graphics, 29 (3)
Exploring quantitative methods to study design behavior in collaborative virtual workspaces
, Proceedings of CAADRIA 2010
Regressive and Reflexive Mashups in Sampling Culture
, Mashup Cultures. New York, NY: Springer
Vision: A Computational Investigation Into The Human Representatios and Processing of Visual Information/David Marr
, Cambridge: MIT Press
Elements of Parametric Design
, New York: Routledge
Mastering the information age. Solving problems with visual analytics
, Goslar: Eurographics Association
Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Professions
, Basel, Birkhauser Architecture
Retrofitting University Learning Spaces: Design principles for the cost effective redevelopment of existing spaces
, Retrieved from Stawberry Hills, NSW
Learning from Weaving for Digital Fabrication in Architecture
, MIT Press, 340-349
Digital Architectural Design as Exploration of Computable Functions
, International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 8 - no. 1, 1-16
Building knowledge in architecture
What Rule(s) Should I Use?
, Nexus 2010: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics. Porto, June 13-15
Software openness: evaluating parameters of parametric modeling tools to support creativity and multidisciplinary design integration
, D. Taniar, O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, E. Pardede and B. Apduhan (eds.), Computer science and its applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 483–497
Supermanoeuvre - Inorganic speciation: Matter, Behaviour and Formation in Architecture
, D. Kottas (ed.), Contemporary Digital Architecture: Deisgn & Techniques, Links International, Barcelona, 208-227
Digital Culture in Architecture
, Basel, CH: Birkhäuser Architecture