CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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33%; open Dalsgaard, P.; Halskov, K. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Designing Urban Media Facades: Cases and Challenges , CHI 2010: Public Displays, Atlanta, GA, USA

33%; open Dalsgaard, Peter, and Kim Halskov (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Designing urban media façades: cases and challenges , Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2277-2286. ACM

33%; open De Freitas, S, Rebolledo?Mendez, G, Liarokapis, F, Magoulas, G and Poulovassilis, A (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Learning as immersive experiences: Using the four?dimensional framework for designing and evaluating immersive learning experiences in a virtual world , British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(1), pp. 69-85

33%; open Dindler C. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Fictional space in participatory design of engaging interactive environments , PhD Thesis, Department of Information and Media Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Aarhus University, Aarhus

33%; open Donn, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Designing Comfortable Homes: Guidelines on the Use of Glass, Mass and Insulation for Energy Efficiency , CCANZ, Wellington

33%; open Droste, S (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Extreme Designing: Proposal for the transfer of concepts from the agile development to the architectural design process , Proceedings of eCAADe 2010

33%; open Eigensatz, M and Deuss, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case Studies in Cost-Optimized Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces , Proceedings of AAG 2010, pp. 49-72

33%; open Eigensatz, M and Schiftner, A and Mitra, N.J and Pottmann, H and Pauly, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling architectural freeform surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(4), pp. 29-45

33%; open Eigensatz, M et al. (eds.) (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case studies in cost-optimized paneling of architectural freeform surfaces , Ceccato, C. et al. (eds.), Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, Springer, Vienna, pp. 49–72

33%; open Eigensatz, M, Deuss, M, Schiftner, A, Kilian, M, Mitra, NJ, Pottmann, H and Pauly, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case Studies in Costoptimized Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces , Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010: 49–72

33%; open Eigensatz, M, Kilian, M, Mitra, N, Pottmann, H and Pauly, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Panelling architectural freeform surfaces , ASM SIGGRAPH,ACM Trans.Graphics, pp. 45

33%; open Eigensatz, M, Kilian, M, Schiftner, A, Mitra, N, Pottmann, H and Pauly, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces , Proc. SIGGRAPH 2010

33%; open Eigensatz, M. (eds.) (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case studies in cost-optimized paneling of architectural freeform surfaces , Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, Springer, Vienna, 49-72

33%; open Eigensatz, M. , Kilian, M. , Schiftner, A. , Mitra, J. N. , Pottmann, H. and Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, USA, 29 (4), 45

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Deuss, M., Schiftner A., Kilian, M., Mitra, N. J., Pottmann, H. and Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case studies in cost-optimized paneling of architectural freeform surfaces, in C. Ceccato, L. Hesselgren, M. Pauly, H. Pottmann, and J. Wallner, (eds.) , Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, Springer, Vienna, 49–72

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Deuss, M., Schiftner, A., Kilian, M., Mitra, N. J., Pottmann, H., & Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Case studies in cost-optimized paneling of architectural freeform surfaces , Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, 49–72

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Kilian M., Schiftner A., Mitra N. and Pottmann H. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling architectural freeform surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(4)

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Kilian, M., Mitra, N., Pottmann, H. & Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Panelling architectural freeform surfaces , ASM SIGGRAPH, USA

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Kilian, M., Schiftner, A., Mitra, N. J., Pottmann, H., & Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling architectural freeform surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 29(4), 45

33%; open Eigensatz, M., Kilian, M., Schiftner, A., Mitra, N., Pottmann, H., and Pauly, M. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces , ACM Trans. Graphics, 2010, 29(4)

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