Integration of Historic Building Information Modeling and 3D GIS for Recording and Managing Cultural Heritage Sites
, 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: "Virtual Systems in the Information Society", 369-376
Smart Sensor Network System based on ZigBee Technology to Monitor Grain Depot
, International Journal of Computer Applications 50(21):32-36
The role of roles: Physical cooperation between humans and robots
, The International Journal of Robotics Research
, The Ultimate LECTRON Information Resource and Online Museum
Exploring urban commuting imbalance by jobs and gender
, Applied Geography, 32(2), 532-545
Architects on Architectural Film and Animation
, Proceedings of CAADRIA2012: the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia 25-28 April 2012, 637–646
Digital Fabrication Laboratories: Pedagogy and Impacts on Architectural Education
, Nexus Network Journal, 14(3), 469-482
Establishing parameters for Urbanity
, Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium. Santiago de Chile
Exploiting Higher Kinematic Performance-Using a 4-Legged Redundant PM Rather Than Gough-Stewart Platforms
, INTECH Open Access Publisher
Ultra lightweight construction is based on hydraulics, Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS)
, University of Stuttgart, Press Release, 16 April
The Common and the Production of Architecture, Early Hypotheses, en Common Ground, A Critical Reader
, Ed. David Chiperfield, Kieran Long and Shumi Bose, Marsilio Editori, Venezia,
The Architecture of Collaboration
, Strategic Management Journal, v. 51, issue 2, p.315-334
Interoperability issues for the standardization of GIS and BIM from ISO/TC 211 perspective
, The BIM Autumn, 8
A Study on The Correlation Analysis Between IFC and CityGML for Efficient Utilization of Construction Data and GIS Data
, Korea Spatial Information Society, 20(5):49-56
How to Make Almost Anything
, Foreign Affairs, Volume 91, Number 6
Material Resourcefulness: Activating Material Information in Computational Design
, Architectural Design, 82(2), 34-43
Digital workflows in architecture
, Basel: Birkhäuser
How to make almost anything: The digital fabrication revolution
, Foreign Aff., 91, 43
On Parametricism - A Dialogue between Neil Leach and Patrik Schumacher
, T + A (Time + Architecture) (5)
Future Of Robotics: Manufacturing Gets A Makeover With Baxter
, Forbes Magazine Issue Sept 2012