Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, MIT Press
Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, The MIR Press
Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, MIT Press
Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, MIT Press
Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Carpo, Mario (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Carpo, Mario (2018)
Particlized: The New Arts and Sciences of Particles
, JA: The Japan Architect (109): 1617
Carpo, Mario (2019)
The Natural Logic of Artificial Intelligence, or What Genetic Algorithms Really Do
, Philosophy Kitchen Extra: Journal of Contemporary Philosophy 6 (2): 123129
Carpo, Mario. (2013)
The Digital Turn in Architecture
, Chichester: Wiley
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The Second Digital Turn
, Cambridge: The MIT Press
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The second digital turn: design beyond intelligence
, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The New Science of Form-Searching
, The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence. Cambridge: MIT Press, 40-55
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Carpo, Mario. (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence (Writing Architecture)
, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Mario Carpo (2013)
The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992-2012
, AD Reader. Chichester: Wiley
Mario Carpo (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Data-Compression Technologies We Dont Need Anymore
, The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. 919
Mario Carpo (2017)
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence
, Writing Architecture Series. Cambridge: MIT Press
Impact of Contour on Aesthetic Judgments and Approach-Avoidance Decisions in Architecture.
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110.Suppl 2 (2013): 1044610453. PMC. Web. 11 Dec. 2014
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
, 2014. M. P. de Leon (Ed.). Springer