The Smart Landscape: Intelligent Architecture
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Integration of Building Information Modeling and Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis to Support Sustainable Building Design
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An interactive geometry modeling and parametric design plataform for isogeometric analysis
, Computers & Mathematics with Applications
A compound integrated model for digital formation, generation and performance-oriented architectural design
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Metamaterial computation and fabrication of auxetic patterns for architecture
, Blucher Design Proceedings, 2(3), 129-136
How Crowd Wisdom Closes the Gender Gap
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Measuring the Non-Measurable 01: Small Tokyo
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Theories and Models of Parametric Design Thinking
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A Framework for Speech-Oriented CAD and BIM Systems
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Design strategies for bending-active plate structures out of multiple cross-connected layers
, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS). Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tactile models of elements of architectural heritage: from the building scale to the detail The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment
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Philosophy and simulation: the emergence of synthetic reason
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Engineering Tools Applied in Architecture: Challenges of topology optimization implementation
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3D digital fabrication and erection technologies for prefabricates bridges
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Additive manufacturing of optically transparent glass
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Building Dynamics: Exploring Architecture of Change
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Augmented Reality Design Decision Support Engine for the Early Building Design Stage, Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture
, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 231-240
3D printing of sustainable concrete structures
, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Algal blooms: an emerging threat to seawater reverse osmosis desalination
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