Lynn, Greg (1993)
Architectural Curvalinearity
, Architectural Deign, 102, 61-63
Lynn, Greg (1993)
Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant and the Supple
, AD Profile 102: Folding in Architecture. London: Academy Editions
Lynn, Greg (1995)
, Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts, vol. 6, Complexity – Architecture/ Art/Philosophy
Lynn, Greg (1995)
, Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts, vol. 6, Complexity - Architecture/Art/Philosophy
Lynn, Greg (1995)
, Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts, vol. 6, Complexity -Architecture/Art/Philosophy
Lynn, Greg (1997)
, SD 9711 (398): 47
Lynn, Greg (1998)
Animate Form
, Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York 1999 in Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, Princeton Architectural Press, New York
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate form
, Nueva York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form. New York
, Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, Princeton architectural press, New york
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press
Lynn, Greg (1999)
Animate Form
, New York: Princeton Architectural Press