CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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33%; open Thorell, L.G. and Smith W.J. (1989) Find in CUMINCAD Using Computer Color Effectively , Printice Hall, pp. 159-184

33%; open Thorndyke, P.W. and Goldin, S.E. (1983) Find in CUMINCAD Spatial learning and reasoning skill , H. L. Pick and L. P. Acredolo (eds), Spatial Orientation: Theory, Research, and Application, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 195-217

33%; open Thorpe, E. and Hodges, L.F. (1995) Find in CUMINCAD Human Stereopsis, Fusion, and Stereoscopic Virtual Environments , W. Barfield and T.A. Furness II (eds) Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, PP. 145 -174

33%; open Thune, G., K. Velikov, M. O’Malley, L. Sauve. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD The Agency of Responsive Envelopes: Interaction, Politics and Interconnected Systems , International Journal of Architectural Computing 10(3): 377-400

33%; open Thune, G., Velikov, K., O’Malley, M., Sauve, L. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD The Agency of Responsive Envelopes: Interaction, Politics and Interconnected Systems , International Journal of Architectural Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3, 377-400

33%; open Thurston, L (1990) Find in CUMINCAD Subjective design evaluation with multiple attributes , Design Theory and Methodology, pp. 355-361

33%; open Thurstone, L. L. (1938) Find in CUMINCAD Primary mental abilities , University of Chicago Press, Chicago

33%; open Thurstone, L.L. (1927) Find in CUMINCAD A law of comparative judgement , Psychological Review, 34, 278-286

33%; open Thün, G., Velikov, K., O’Malley, M. and Sauve, L. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD The Agency of Responsive Envelopes: Interaction, Politics and Interconnected Systems , International Journal of Architectural Computing, 10(3), 377–400

33%; open Tian, X, Koh, J.L., Chen, Y, Goh, Y.Q. and Dritsas, S (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Form-finding with Robotics, Fusing Physical Simulation and Digital Fabrication , Proceedings of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Suzhou, China, pp. 893-902

33%; open Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Yuming Huang, Neelotpal Dutta, Sylvain Lefebvre, Zekai Murat Kilic, and Charlie C.L. Wang, (2022) Find in CUMINCAD S^3-Slicer: A general slicing framework for multi-axis 3D printing , ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), vol.41, no.6, article no.277 (15 pages), December 2022. (Technical Papers' Best Paper Award)

33%; open Tibbits S., Kara’in, L., Schaeffer, J., de Puig, H., Gomez-Marquez, J. and Young, A. (2014) Find in CUMINCAD DNA disPLAY: Programmable bioactive materials using CNC patterning , Architectural Design, July (2014), 104–111

33%; open Tichý, L and Dvo_ák,V (1986) Find in CUMINCAD Architektonická kompozice , _VUT, Praha

33%; open Tiihonen, J, Felfernig, A and Mandl, M (2014) Find in CUMINCAD Personalized Configuration , Felfernig, A, Hotz, L, Bagley, C and Tiihonen, J (eds), Knowledge-Based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases, Morgan Kaufmann, Waltham, p. 176

33%; open Tilder, L. (1998) Find in CUMINCAD A temporary building in wall street: Architecture and representation in a digital age , The architectonics and aesthetics of artificial worlds conference Brandenburgische Technische Universitat, Cottbus, Germany.

33%; open Timmermans, H.J.P., Molin, E.J.E. and Noortwijk, L.E. van (1994) Find in CUMINCAD Housing Choice Processes: Stated Versus RevealedModelling Approaches , Neth. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 9, 1994, 215-227

33%; open Timothy, W., Ena, L., Lex, R., Norman, H., Fabio, G., Matthias, K., . . . Robert, F. (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Digital Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges , RILEM Technical Letters, 1(0). doi:10.21809/rilemtechlett.2016.16

33%; open Tinetti, ME, Richman, D and Powell, L (1990) Find in CUMINCAD Falls Efficacy as a Measure of Fear of Falling , Journal of Gerontology, 45(6), pp. 239-243

33%; open Ting, S.L, Kwok, S.K, Tsan, A.H.C and Ho, G.T.S (2011) Find in CUMINCAD The Study on Using Passive RFID Tags for Indoor Positioning , International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 3, p. doi:10.5772/45678

33%; open Ting-Han C, Hsin-Hou L and Yi-Di Y (2011) Find in CUMINCAD mojo iCuisine: The Design and Implementation of an Interactive Restaurant Tabletop Menu , HCI International 2011, Part III, LNCS 6763, pp.185-194

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