CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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33%; open Banham, R (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment, 2d edition, revised , Chicago: University of Chicago Press

33%; open Banham, R (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The architecture of the well-tempered environment , University of Chicago, Chicago

33%; open Banham, R (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The architecture of the well-tempered environment , University of Chicago, Chicago

33%; open Banham, R (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment , The University of Chicago Press

33%; open Banham, R (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment , Chicago: U.C. Press

33%; open Banham, R. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD A Dark Satanic Century , Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

33%; open Banham, R. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment , 2nd Ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago

33%; open Banham, R. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Environmental Management , Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

33%; open Banham, R. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The Environments of Large Buildings , Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

33%; open Banham, Reyner (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The architecture of the well-tempered environment , The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA

33%; open Banks, J, Nelson, B L and D M Nicol, J S Carson (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Discrete-Event System Simulation , PrenticeHall international series in industrial and systems engineering, -(10.2307/1268124), p. -

33%; open Barendregt, HP (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The Lambda Calculus , North-Holland, Amsterdam

33%; open Barr, A.H. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Decal Projections , Computer Graphics Proc. Siggraph 84, Course no. 15, july 1984

33%; open Batty, M. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Plan design as committee decisionmaking , Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 11 (3), pp. 279-295

33%; open Beardsley, J. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Earthworks and beyond: contemporary art in the landscape , New York: Abbeville Press

33%; open Bedarf, P., Szabo, A., Zanini, M. & Dillenburger, B. (2021) Find in CUMINCAD Machine Sensing for Mineral Foam 3D Printing , International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Workshop Robotic Fabrication, IROS 2021. (2021). The Original Voided Slab. Retrieved May 11 2021, from https://www.bubbledeck.comCobiax. (2021). Voided flat plate slab technologies available worldwide. Retrieved May 11 2021, from (2020). Retrieved May 11 2021, fromández-Jiménez, A., & Palomo, A. (2005). Composition and microstructure of alkali activated fly ash binder: Effect of the activator. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(10), 1984–1992., B., Poullain, P., & Garnier, S. (2019). 3D printing for construction based on a complex wall of polymer-foam and concrete. Additive Manufacturing, 28, 58–64., C., & Minson, A. (2014). Sustainable concrete solutions. Wiley-Blackwell.Halpern, A. B., Billington, D. P., & Adriaenssens, S. (2013). The Ribbed Floor Slab Systems of Pier Luigi Nervi. Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 7., G., Schmid, R., Holzinger, C., Tapley, J. P., Peters, S., Trummer, A., & Kupelwieser, H. (2021). Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Slab: 130 different 3D printed voids. CPT Worldwide - Construction Printing Technology, 2021(2), 68.Jipa, A., Calvo Barentin, C., Lydon, G., Rippmann, M., Chousou, G., Lomaglio, M., Schlüter, A., Block, P., & Dillenburger, B. (2019). 3D-Printed Formwork for Integrated Funicular Concrete Slabs. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019, 10., A., & Dillenburger, B. (2021). 3D Printed Formwork for Concrete: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 00, 24., S. J., Leland, J. C., Cai, L., & Oxman, N. (2017). Toward site-specific and self-sufficient robotic fabrication on architectural scales. Science Robotics, 2(5), 1-15., A., López, D. L., Van Mele, T., & Block, P. (2017). Design, fabrication and testing of a prototype, thin-vaulted, unreinforced concrete floor. Engineering Structures, 137, 323–335., A., Grutzeck, M. W., & Blanco, M. T. (1999). Alkali-activated fly ashes: A cement for the future. Cement and Concrete Research, 29(8), 1323–1329. Environment Programme. (2020). Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction. Retrieved May 11 2021, from, H., & Van Deventer, J. S. J. (2000). The geopolymerisation of alumino-silicate minerals. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 59(3), 247–266., H., Gu, F., Huang, Q.-X., Garcia, J., Chen, Y., Tu, C., Benes, B., Zhang, H., Cohen-Or, D., & Chen, B. (2016). Connected fermat spirals for layered fabrication. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(4), 1–10.

33%; open Beeby, Thomas (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Epilogue: Visual Notes for Architects and Designers , By Norman Crowe and Paul Lasseau. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold

33%; open Beheshti, M.R. and Bax, M.F.Th. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The role of the architect in design , Proceedings of DRS Conference in Bath

33%; open Bellia, L., Bisegna, F., & Spada, G. (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Lighting in indoor environments: Visual and non-visual effects of light sources with different spectral power distributions , Building and Environment, 46(10), 1984-1992.

33%; open Ben-Ze’ev, A. (1984) Find in CUMINCAD The Kantian Revolution in Perception , Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, vol. 14

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