CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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14%; open Yan Wei, Mark Clayton, Jeff Haberl, WoonSeong Jeong, Jong Bum Kim, Sandeep Kota, Jose Luis Bermudez Alcocer, and Manish Dixit (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Interfacing BIM with Building Thermal and Daylighting Modeling , 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). Chambery, France

14%; open Yan, W, Clayton, M, Haberl, J, Jeong, W, Kim, JB, Kota, S, Alcocer, JLB and Dixit, M (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Interfacing BIM with Building Thermal and Daylighting Modelling , Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association

14%; open Yan, W, Clayton, M, Haberl, J, Jeong, W, Kim, JB, Kota, S, Alcocer, JLB and Dixit, M (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Interfacing BIM with Building Thermal and Daylighting Modeling , 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), Chambery, France, p. 3521–3528

14%; open Yan, W (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Augmented Reality Applied to LEGO Construction: AR-based Building Instructions with High Accuracy & Precision and Realistic Object-Hand Occlusions , arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12549, 00(00), pp. 1-13

14%; open Yan, W., Asl, M.R., Su, Z. and Altabtabai, J. (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Towards Multi-Objective Optimization for Sustainable Buildings with Both Quantifiable and Non-Quantifiable Design Objectives , Proceedings of Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems, pp. 223-230

14%; open Yan, W., M. Clayton, J. Haberl, W. Jeong, J. Kim, S. Kota, J. Bermudez Alcocer, and M. Dixit (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Interfacing BIM with Building Thermal and Daylighting Modeling , Presentation at the 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), Chambery, France, August 25-28

14%; open Yan, W., M. Rahmani Asl, Z. Su, and J. Altabtabai (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Towards Multi-Objective Optimization for Sustainable Buildings with Both Quantifiable and Non-Quantifiable Design Objectives , First International Symposium on Sustainable Human–Building Ecosystems, 223–230. Pittsburgh, PA: SHBE

14%; open Yan, W., M. Rahmani Asl, Z. Su, and J. Altabtabai (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Towards Multi-Objective Optimization for Sustainable Buildings with Both Quantifiable and Non-Quantifiable Design Objectives , First International Symposium on Sustainable Human–Building Ecosystems, 223–230. Pittsburgh, PA: SHBE

14%; open Yan, W., Rahmani, M., Su, Z, & Altabtabai, J. (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Towards Multi-objective Optimization for Sustainable Buildings with Both Quantifiable and Non-quantifiable Design Objectives , First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems, Pittsburgh, PA, National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Network (RCN) on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems, Carnegie Mellon Univ., October 5-6

14%; open Yang Liu, Helmut Pottmann, Johannes Wallner, Yong-Liang Yang, and Wenping Wang (2006) Find in CUMINCAD Geometric Modeling With Conical Meshes And Developable Surfaces , ACM Transactions On Graphics 25 (3): 681–689

14%; open Yang Liu, Helmut Pottmann, Johannes Wallner, YongLiang Yang, Wenping Wang (2006) Find in CUMINCAD Geometric Modeling with Conical Meshes and Developable Surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, 25(3): 681-689

14%; open Yang X, Wu Y, Zhang K, et al (2021) Find in CUMINCAD CPCGAN: A controllable 3D point cloud generative adversarial network with semantic label generating , Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021; 35(4): 3154–3162.

14%; open Yang, F, Zhou, G, Su, F, Zuo, X, Tang, L, Liang, Y, Zhu, H and Li, L (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Automatic indoor reconstruction from point clouds in multi-room environments with curved walls , Sensors (Switzerland), 19(17), p. 3798

14%; open Yang, L. C., Chang, T. W., Lin, C. J. and Chen, H. C. (2004) Find in CUMINCAD Exploring Visual Information with Puzzle Rule--a Design Collage Approach , ISARC2004. Korea

14%; open Yang, L. C. (2004) Find in CUMINCAD Exploring Visual Information with Puzzle Rules-A Design Collage Approach , National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Douliu, Yunlin, Taiwan

14%; open Yang, P. and Yan, J. (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Modeling urban design with energy performance , Energy Procedia, 88, pp. 3-8

14%; open Yang, PPJ and Yan, JY (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Modeling Urban Design with Energy Performance , Yan, J, Chen, B and Yang, J (eds), Cue 2015 - Applied Energy Symposium and Summit 2015: Low Carbon Cities and Urban Energy Systems, Elsevier Science Bv

14%; open Yang, Q., Scuito, A., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Investigating How Experienced UX Designers Effectively Work with Machine Learning , Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 585-596.

14%; open Yang, X, Zhao, W and Pan, L (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Graphical symbol recognition in architectural plans with an improved Ant-Tree based clustering algorithm , IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence), pp. 390-397

14%; open Yang, X., Yan, J., Feng, Z., He, T., (2021) Find in CUMINCAD R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object , Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 3163-3171

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