Creative Cognition: Theory, Research & Applications
, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Translations from Drawing to Building and other Essays
, London: Architectural Association
Archeology of the Future City
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Marking Territory and Mapping
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Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture
, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
The Arab-Muslim city: tradition, continuity and change in the physical environment
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Working with Emotional Intelligence
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Crime and space in the Inner City
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Precedents in Architecture
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The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification Version 2.0
, ISO/IEC CD 14772
Frames of reference and Molyneux’s question: Crosslinguistic evidence
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Ambiguous intentions: a paper-like interface for creative design
, Proceedings of UIST’96, November 1996, Seattle. ACM Press, pp. 183–192
Immersed in technology: art and virtual environments
, The MIT Press
Being and Time
, State University of New York Press, Albany
The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
, Springer, New York
Which way to the present? Cross-linguistic differences in thinking about time
, J. Gumperz and S. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking linguistic relativity, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 145–176
Working with Emotional Intelligence
, London: Bloomsbury. New Jersey: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
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The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification Version 2.0
, ISO/IEC CD 14772
Developing and implementing supply chain partnerships
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