PhotoModeler Pro User Manual Version 4.0
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Designing and Manufacturing Architecture in the Digital Age
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Radiance User Guide
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Maps as social constructions: Power, communication and visualization
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The cable array robot: Theory and experiment
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Configuration and Centrality Some evidence from two Italian case studies
, Proceedings of the 3rd International Space Syntax Symposium
The regional city: planning for the end of sprawl
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Digital fabrication: manufacturing architecture in the information age
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Lightscape User Guide
, Lightscape Technologies Inc., San Jose, USA
The language of space
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What Kind of Space is Cyberspace?
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An inquiry into computers in design: attitudes before– attitudes after.
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Piaget’s Constructivism, Papert’s Constructionism: What’s the difference?
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Action spectrum for melatonin regulation in humans: evidence for a novel circadian photoreceptor
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Time Based Media as a Means to Enhance Spatial Representations - Teaching case studies in Greece
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Depthmap: A program to perform visibility graph analysis
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The Economist, “Showing Video Art: The Glass House Effect”
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The cellular method to design energy efficient shading form to accommodate the dynamic characteristics of climate
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Arabic Calligraphy: A computational Exploration
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Comparative Studies of Metamodelling Techniques Under Multiple Modelling Criteria
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