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Analysis and compensation of distorted stereoscopic images due to the observer's viewing orientation
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Engineering Integration: Real-time Approaches to Performative Computational Design
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Future home design: an emotional communication channel approach to Smart Space
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Exploring and Enhancing Spatial Thinking Links to Achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics?
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Introducing a Workshop to build an Affordable 3D-Scanner: Presenting a Variety of Computational Concepts to Novice Students of Architecture
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Ladybug: A parametric environmental plugin for grasshopper to help designers create an environmentally-conscious design
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Citizens as sensors: Our cities are talking, and we are talking back
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Social and cultural sustainability: criteria, indicators, verifier variables for measurement and maps for visualization to support planning
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The Jacobs ? Urban Lineage Revisited. Analytical rudiments for the further development of the phenomenological approach to the study of the perception of people in urban space implicit in Jane Jacobs ? work
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How to study public life
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What is Happening to Virtual and Augmented Reality Applied to Architecture?
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