Two-Way Mirror Power: Selected Writings by Dan Graham on his Art
, Boston: The MIT Press
The science of art: A neurological theory of aesthetic experience’
, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6 (6–7), pp. 15–51
Microgenesis. The Architect as Toolmaker: Computer-Based GenerativeDesign Tools and Methods
, Soddu, C. (ed.): The Proceedings of the First International Generative Art Conference. Generative Design Lab at DiAP, Politecnico di Milano University
Essay on Video, Architecture and Television
, ALBERRO, A. (Ed.), Two-Way Mirror Power: Selected Writings by Dan Graham on his Art (pp. 52-61). Boston: The MIT Press
Delusions of dialogue: control and choice in interactive art
, Leonardo, 33(2),133-136
From Poetry of Art to Method
, Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute
The Economist, “Showing Video Art: The Glass House Effect”
, 1 September 2001. pp. 69, 70
One place after another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity
, Boston: The MIT Press
Co-experience:Understanding user experiences in social interaction
, 1st Helsinki: University Of Art And Design Helsinki, (217 p.)
Matters Immaterial, On the Meaning of Houses and the Things Inside Them
, C. Townsend, & R. Whiteread, The art of Rachel Whiteread (pp. 51-67). London: Thames & Hudson
Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art
, New Jersey: Princeton Architectural Press
Sensitive Skin, infra mince and difference in the work of Rachel Whiteread
, C. Townsend, & R. Whiteread, The art if Rachel Whiteread (pp. 68-84). London: Thames & Hudson
Collaborative Caad: State-of-the-Art and the Future
, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research Asia CAADRIA 2004, Yonsei University, Korea
Digital media in architectural design education: Reflections on the e-studio pedagogy
, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 4(3), 205-222
The conspiracy of art : manifestos, interviews, essays, Semiotext(e) foreign agents series
, New York: Semiotext(e)
Made of Light: The Art of Light and Architecture
, Basel: Birkhäuser
Reflections on the Teaching of Drawing in the Digital Age: Attitudes of Senior Academics in the United Kingdom to the Place of Drawing Tuition on the Design Curriculum in Higher Education
, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 4, no. 3: 189-203
Digital media in architectural design education: Reflections on the e-studio pedagogy
, Art Design & Communication in Higher Education 4, no. 3: 205,220
The poetics of augmented space: the art of our time
, F. von Borries, S. P. Walz, & M. Bo?ttger (Eds.), Space time play computer games, architecture and urbanism: the next level (p. p.251-255). Basel; Boston: Birkhauser
Distinguishing concepts: lexicons of interactive art and architecture
, Architectural Design, 77(4), 22-31