Empirical study of strategic performance of global construction firms
, Journal of Construction and Engineering and Management, v. 130, issue 11/12, p. 808-818
Jacquard's Web. How a Hand-Loom led to the Birth of the Information Age
, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York
Automated construction by contour crafting-related robotics and information technologie
, Automation in Construction, Vol. 13, pp.5–19
The Phaidon atlas of contemporary world architecture
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Refabricating architecture: how manufacturing methodologies are poised to transform building construction
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Transportation research at (LRC)
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A Computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures, In Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture
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Co-experience:Understanding user experiences in social interaction
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Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies
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The importance of awareness for team cognition
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Parametric Design: A Paradigm Shift?
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Glitch Aesthetics
, Honours thesis, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield
The changing morphology of the gulf cities in the age of globalisation: the case of Bahrain
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A Semantic Web Primer
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Virtual Community Studies: A Literature Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda
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Digital Design and Manufacturing: CAD/CAM Applications in Architecture and Design
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A stability measure for underconstrained cable-driven robots
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Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing
, Taylor & Francis
Desigining a methods platform for design and design research
, Futureground: DRS International Confernce. Melbourne
Design of plate and shell structures
, American Society of Mechanical Engineering