CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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17%; open Dutil Y., Rousse D.R., Salah N.B. et al. (2011) Find in CUMINCAD A review on phase-change materials: mathematical modeling and simulations , Renew Sustain Energy Rev; 15(1): 112–130

17%; open Dutta D, Martin RR and Pratt MJ (1993) Find in CUMINCAD Cyclides in surface and solid modeling , IEEE Comput Graph 1993; 13(1): 53–59. 22. Lebée A. From folds to structure: a review. Int J Space Struct 2015; 30(2): 55–74

17%; open Dutta K and Sarthak S (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Architectural space planning using evolutionary computing approaches: a review , Artif Intell Rev 2011; 36: 311–321

17%; open Dutta, K and Sarthak, S (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Architectural space planning using evolutionary computing approaches: a review. , Artificial Intelligence Review, 36(4), p. 311

17%; open Dutta, K and Sarthak, S (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Architectural space planning using evolutionary computing approaches: a review , Artificial Intelligence Review, 36(4), p. 311

17%; open Dutta, Kamlesh, and Siddhant Sarthak (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Architectural Space Planning Using Evolutionary Computing Approaches: A Review , Artificial Intelligence Review 36 (4): 311–321

17%; open Dvorak B. and Volder A. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Green roof vegetation for North American ecoregions: a literature review , Landscape Urban Plan; 96(4): 197–213

17%; open D’Inverno, M., Fisher, M., Lomuscio, A., Luck, M., Rijke, M. de, Ryan, M. and Wooldridge, M. (1997) Find in CUMINCAD Formalisms for multi-agent systems , The Knowledge Engineering Review, 12 (3), pp. 315-321

17%; open Eastman, Lee G,C.M. and Sacks, R. (2003) Find in CUMINCAD Eliciting information for product modeling using process modeling , Data and knowledge engineering (in review)

17%; open Eisenman, T. S., Churkina, G., Jariwala, S. P., Kumar, P., Lovasi, G. S., Pataki, D. E., Weinberger, K. R., & Whitlow, T. H. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Urban trees, air quality, and asthma: An interdisciplinary review , Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 47-59.

17%; open Ekici B., Cubukcuoglu C., Turrin M., et al (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Performative computational architecture using swarm and evolutionary optimisation: A review , Building Environ 2019; 147: 356–371

17%; open Ekici, B., Cubukcuoglu, C., Turrin, M., & Sariyildiz, I. S. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Performative computational architecture using swarm and evolutionary optimisation: A review , Building and environment, 147, 356-371

17%; open Elghazi, Y. S., Hamza, N., & Robertson, M. D. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Responsive Plant-inspired skins: A review , Design to thrive. Edinbrugh: PLEA 2017

17%; open Eltaweel A and Yuehong SU (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Parametric design and daylighting: a literature review , Renew Sust Energ Rev 2017; 73:1086–1103. Duclos-Prevet et al ´ 607

17%; open Eltaweel, A and Su, Y (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Parametric design and daylighting: A literature review , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73, pp. 1086-1103

17%; open Eltaweel, A., & SU, Y. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Parametric design and daylighting: A literature review , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73(October 2016), 1086-1103.

17%; open Eltaweel, A., & Yuehong, S. U. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Parametric design and daylighting: A literature review , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73, 1086-1103

17%; open Eltaweel, Ahmad And Yuehong Su (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Parametric Design and Daylighting: A Literature Review , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73(December 2016): 1086–1103

17%; open Emam, SA and Inman, DJ (2015) Find in CUMINCAD A review on Bistable Composite Laminates for Morphing and Energy Harvesting , Applied Mechanics Reviews, 67(6)

17%; open Emmanuel, R. (1993) Find in CUMINCAD A Hypothetical Shadow Umbrella for Thermal Comfort Enhancement in the Equatorial Urban Outdoors , Architectural Science Review, 36(4), pp. 173-184

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