CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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67%; open Novotny, V., Ahern, J. & Brown, P. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Water Centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment , John Wiley & Sons

67%; open Oxman, R; Oxman, Robert (2010) Find in CUMINCAD The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architectural Technologies , Academy Press v 80, n4 july/aug

67%; open Prabhu, V. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Techniques for the Mediation of Heritage Preservation vs. Building Performance (Master’s Thesis) , Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario. Retrieved from

67%; open Rajsiri, V., Lorré, J.P., Bénaben, F., Pingaud, H. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Knowledge-based system for collaborative process specification , Computers in Industry, 61(2), pp. 161-175

67%; open Ramiro, V (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Wearable Assistive Devices for the Blind , Lay-Ekuakille, A and Mukhopadhyay, SC (eds), Wearable and Autonomous Biomedical Devices and Systems for Smart Environment: Issues and Characterization, Springer, Berlin, pp. 331-349

67%; open Ranky, R, Sivak, M, Lewis, J, Gade, V, Deutsch, JE and Mavroidis, C (2009) Find in CUMINCAD VRACK - Virtual Reality Augmented Cycling Kit: Design and Validation , 2010 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Waltham, MA, pp. 135-138

67%; open Renard, Y, Lotte, F, Gibert, G, Congedo, M, Maby, E, Delannoy, V, Bertrand, O and Lécuyer, A (2010) Find in CUMINCAD OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test, and Use Brain #8211;Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual Environments , Presence, 19(1), pp. 35-53

67%; open Ritter, V. and Meggers, F. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Assessment of the guidelines for zero-emission architectural design , Clima 2010- 10th REHVA World Congress, Antalya, Turkey

67%; open Rodrigues, C. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Uma Aplicação da Realidade Aumentada no Ensino de Modelagem dos Sistemas Estruturais , Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada, Passo Fundo, v.2, n. 2, p. 81-95, set. 2010

67%; open Sacks, R.; Barak, R. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Teaching Building Information Modeling as an Integral Part of Freshman Year Civil Engineering Education , Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice. ASCE, v. 136, n. 1, p. 30-38

67%; open Safin, S., Delfosse, V. & Leclercq, P. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Mixed-Reality Prototypes to Support Early Creative Design , E. Dubois, P. Gray & L. Nigay (eds). The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, Springer-Verlag, London, 419-445

67%; open Sebastian, R., & Berlo, L. V. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Tool for benchmarking BIM performance of design, engineering and construction firms in the Netherlands , Architectural engineering and design management, [S. l.], v. 6, p. 254-263

67%; open Stefani, Ch, De Luca, L, Véron, P and Florenzano, M (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Time indeterminacy and spatio-temporal building transformations: an approach for architectural heritage understanding , International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 4(1), pp. 61-74

67%; open Sun, Bing; Li, Ke; Weng, Fei; Liu, Yuncai (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Human location and recognition for intelligent air conditioners , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7820

67%; open Tabak, V, De Vries, B and Dijkstra, J (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Simulation and validation of human movement in building spaces , Environment and Planning B, 37(4), pp. 592-609

67%; open Tabak, V, de Vries, B and Dijkstra, J (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Simulation and validation of human movement in building spaces , Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37, pp. 592-609

67%; open Tabak, V., de Vries, B., Dijkstra, J. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Simulation and validation of human movement in building spaces , Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design.

67%; open Tang, P.; Huber, D.; Akinci, B.; Lipman, R.; Lytle, A., (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Automatic reconstruction of as-built building information models from laser-scanned point clouds: A review of related techniques , Automation in Construction, v. 19, n. 7, p. 829-843. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2010.06.007

67%; open Tenu, V. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Minimal Surfaces as Self-organizing Systems , ACADIA 10, pp. 196-202

67%; open Tourre, V and Miguet F (2010) Find in CUMINCAD Lighting intention materialization with a light-based parametric design model , International Journal of Architectural Computing 8(4), pp. 507-524

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