CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 8250

_id ecaadesigradi2019_652gg
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lee, Hyunsoo, Kim, Daseul and Hwang, Jihyoun (2019) Color Harmony Integration-driven Design Process for Aesthetic Village
authors Find in CUMINCAD Birren, F
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Priciples of Color
source Schifferbk
last changed 2019/08/26 23:25

_id 2c88
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hanna, Raid (2012) Computer Aided Cognition and Creativity: A Three Year Monitoring Exercise
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creative person and creative product
source Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc., London
last changed 2013/08/19 17:06

_id 2f77
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Neuckermans, H., Heylighen, A. and Morisse, P. (2002) Visual Keys to Architectural Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity
source Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.6, W. Baton, London
last changed 2002/08/28 07:31

_id 6a89
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hanna, Raid; Barber, Tony (2006) Digital Processes in Architectural Design:A Case Study of Computers and Creativity
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creative Person and Creative Product
source Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc., London
last changed 2006/10/29 23:00

_id 69b7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lindekens, J. and A. Heylighen (2004) Re-Using Re-Design Knowledge
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity
source Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.6, W. Baton, London, p. 711712
last changed 2004/08/08 07:02

_id b46f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Heylighen, Ann; Neuckermans, Herman (2003) (Learning from Experience)? Promises, Problems and Side-effects of Case-Based Reasoning in Architectural Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity
source Encyclopedia Britannica 6, W.Baton, London, 1969, pp. 711-712
last changed 2006/10/29 22:58

_id 7c9d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Heylighen, Ann and Neuckermans, Herman (1999) Learning from Experience: Promises, Problems and Side-effects of CBD in Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barron, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity
source Encyclopedia Britannica 6 W. Baton, London, 1969 711-712
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id 7699
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Khong, C.W. and Foo, C.S. (2002) Rapid Prototyping and Multimedia Design at MMU
authors Find in CUMINCAD Chua, C.K., and Leong, K.F.
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Rapid prototyping: principles and applications in manufacturing
source World Scientific Pub, Singapore
last changed 2002/08/28 07:31

_id 587b
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Davis,Daniel; Jane Burry and Mark Burry (2011) Understanding visual scripts: Improving collaboration through modular programming
authors Find in CUMINCAD Ellis,T. O., Heafner, J. F. and Sibley,W. L.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD The Grail Project: An experiment in Manmachine communications
source The RAND Corporation
last changed 2012/02/17 07:58

_id 8818
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fricker, Pia; Hovestadt, Ludger; Braach, Markus; Dillenburger, Benjamin; Fritz, Oliver; Rüdenauer, Kai; Lemmerzahl, Steffen (2008) Form Follows Structure?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Harary, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Graph theory
source Reading, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts
last changed 2009/04/25 10:55

_id 5dcd
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lenart, Mihaly (1985) The Design of Buildings which Have Complex Mechanical Infrastructure using Expert Systems
authors Find in CUMINCAD Harary, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Graph Theory
source Addison-Wesley
last changed 2002/07/12 14:08

_id 6b03
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Khong, C.W. and Foo, C.S. (2002) Rapid Prototyping and Multimedia Design at MMU
authors Find in CUMINCAD Horton, G.I. and Radcliffe, D.F.
year 1995
title Find in CUMINCAD Nature of proof-of-concept prototyping
source Journal of Engineering Design. v6, 1, 3-16
last changed 2002/08/28 07:31

_id f6d7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Khong, C.W. and Foo, C.S. (2002) Rapid Prototyping and Multimedia Design at MMU
authors Find in CUMINCAD Jacobs, P.F.
year 1995
title Find in CUMINCAD Stereolithography and other RP&M technologies: from rapid prototyping to rapid tooling
source ASME Press, Dearborn MI
last changed 2002/08/28 07:31

_id d7d2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jalalian, Arash; Stephan K. Chalup and Michael J. Ostwald (2011) Agent-agent interaction as a component of agent-environment interaction in the modelling and analysis of pedestrian visual behaviour
authors Find in CUMINCAD Ness, M. P., Morral, J. F. and Hutchinson, B. G.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD An analysis of central business district pedestrian circulation patterns
source Highway research record, 283: 11–18
last changed 2011/05/31 15:38

_id 643d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gerzso, J. Michael (1998) Speculations on a Machine-Understandable Language for Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Newman, W.M. and R.F. Sproull
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics
source New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
last changed 2002/08/07 11:43

_id sigradi2015_8.264n14
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Otto, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Minimal Nets. Institute for Lightweight Structures
source University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart : K. Krämer
last changed 2016/05/18 15:08

_id caadria2019_426yy
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lee, Jisun and Lee, Hyunsoo (2019) Agent-driven Accessibility and Visibility Analysis in Nursing Units
authors Find in CUMINCAD Trites, D.K., Galbraith, F.D., Leckwart, J.F. and Sturdavant, M.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Radial nursing units prove best in controlled study
source Modern Hospital, 112(4), pp. 94-99
last changed 2019/04/16 12:11

_id ecaade2020_196a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Paiva Ponzio, Angelica, Prazeres Veloso de Souza, Leonardo, Mateus Schulz, Victor and Lasso, Cindy (2020) Digital Understandings in the Construction of Knowledge - Report of experiences in contemporary architectural design teaching
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zwicky, F.
year 1969
title Find in CUMINCAD Discovery, Invention, Research through the morphological approach
source Macmillan
last changed 2020/09/09 14:41

_id 2c15
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chan, Chiu-Shui (2007) Does Color Have Weaker Impact on Human Cognition Than Material?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Birren, F
year 1978
title Find in CUMINCAD Color and human response: Aspects of light and color bearing on the reactions of living things and the welfare of human beings
source Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, p. 34
last changed 2007/06/11 15:04

_id ecaade2018_367f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ju, Hannah and Lee, Hyunsoo (2018) Computational Color Design Process Towards Aesthetic Community Revitalization
authors Find in CUMINCAD Birren, F
year 1978
title Find in CUMINCAD Color & Human Response
source John Wiley & Sons
last changed 2018/07/24 12:42

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