CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 17228

_id 6b95
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Silva, Neander and Lima, Ecilamar (2005) Real Time Collaboration Systems and Design Studio Education: an Evaluation of Equivalence between On-site and Distance Learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lonsing, Werner
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Collaboration in the independent architectural office
source Dokonal, W. (editor) Digital Design, XXI eCAADe Conference, Graz, Austria
last changed 2005/08/25 07:56

_id fe06
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Terzidis, Kostas (2004) Algorithmic Design: A Paradigm Shift in Architecture?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lonsway B.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD The Mistaken Dimensionality of CAD
source Journal of Architectural Education vol. 56 issue 2, November 2002, pp.22-25
last changed 2004/09/24 08:57

_id ecaade2021_130dd2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Alassaf, Nancy and Clayton, Mark (2021) The Use of Diagrammatic Reasoning to Aid Conceptual Design in Building Information Modeling (BIM)
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lonsway, B.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD The mistaken dimensionality of CAD
source Journal of Architectural Education, 56(2), pp. 23-25
last changed 2021/08/09 14:44

_id 9c1f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Karakiewicz, Justyna and Thomas Kvan (2012) Diagramming in a digital environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lonsway, B.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD The mistaken dimensionality of CAD
source Journal of Architectural Education, 56(2), 23-25
last changed 2012/04/19 10:37

_id ijac202119302xx2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD BuHamdan, Samer; Alwisy, Aladdin; Bouferguene, Ahmed (2021) Generative systems in the architecture, engineering and construction industry: A systematic review and analysis
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lopes JV, Paio AC and Sousa JP.
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD Parametric urban models based on Frei Otto’s generative form-finding processes
source Proceedings of the 19th international conference on computer-aided architectural design research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014): rethinking comprehensive design: speculative counterculture. CAADRIA-the association for computer-aided architectural design research Asia, Kyoto, Japan, 14–17 May 2014, pp. 595–604. Hong Kong: The Association of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research Asia (CAADRIA)
last changed 2024/04/17 15:02

_id caadria2023_406j
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lim, Chor-Kheng (2023) Gesture Modeling – In Between Nature and Control
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lopes, J.V.; Paio, A.C.; Sousa, J.P.
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD Parametric Urban Models Based on Frei Ottos Generative Form-finding Processes
source Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research Asia (CAADRIA). pp. 595-64. Available at:
last changed 2023/06/15 11:53

_id ijac201715304jj
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tosello, María Elena and María Georgina Bredanini (2017) A personal space in the Web. Bases, processes and evaluation of a collaborative digital design experience for significant learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorenz T. and Staub P. (eds).
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD Mediating Architecture. AA Agendas N? 11
source London: Architectural Association London
last changed 2019/08/13 13:45

_id cc42
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chiarella, Mauro; Dalla Costa, Matias (2011) Patrones Generativos Dinámicos (URDIR.Lab). Estrategias proyectuales paramétricas simples para el ejercicio profesional cotidiano [Dynamic Generative Patterns (URDIR.Lab). Simple Parametric Design Strategies for Everyday Practice]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorenz, T.; Staub P, editors.
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD Mediating Architecture
source AA Agendas Nº 11. UK. Architectural Association London
last changed 2012/02/28 19:51

_id ecaade2024_25d3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kulcke, Matthias; Lorenz, Wolfgang E. (2024) Urban Street Space Analysis with Spherical Box-Counting: Holistic digital Gestalt analysis of architecture in urban space
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorenz, W.E. and Kulcke, M.
year 2021
title Find in CUMINCAD Multilayered Complexity Analysis in Architectural Design: Two Measurement Methods Evaluating Self-Similarity and Complexity
source Fractal Fract, 5(4), p244. fractalfract5040244
last changed 2024/08/28 15:21

_id f8f8
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lorenz, Wolfgang E. (2012) Estimating the Fractal Dimension of Architecture: Using two Measurement Methods implemented in AutoCAD by VBA
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorenz, Wolfgang E.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Fractal Geometry of Architecture – Implementation of the Box-Counting Method in a CAD-Software
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design, eCAADe 27, pp. 697-704
last changed 2013/08/19 13:53

_id acadia23_v2_572hh3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kosavinta, Satakhun; Kunapinun, Alisa (2023) CycleGAN Implementation for Creating Modern Thai Houses
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorenzo Villaggi and Danil Nagy
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Generative Design for Architectural Space Planning
source Autodesk Research
last changed 2025/01/21 18:33

_id caadria2019_173g
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ng, Jonathan Ming-En, Ho, Samuel Yu De, Ng, Truman Wei Cheng, Soh, Jia Ying and Dritsas, Stylianos (2019) Fabrication of Ultra-Lightweight Parametric Glass Fiber Reinforced Shell Assemblies
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lorett Kristensen, E., Gramazio, F., Kohler, M. and Langenberg, S.
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Complex Concrete Constructions, Merging Existing Casting Techniques with Digital Fabrication
source Proceedings of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, pp. 613-622
last changed 2019/04/16 12:09

_id 6316
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lawson, Bryan and Scott, Peter (1989) An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching CAD
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lossing, U. Nyboe, E. and Agger, K.
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Architectural design with computers - a pilot project
source Aarhus Datacentre and School of Architecture
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id ae11
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Shih, Chien-Hung (2003) To Proceed Analysis of Dynamic Virtual Environment by Using Physical Model as a Protagonist
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lou, C.A., Kaga, A. and Sasada, T.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD Environmental design with huge landscape in real-time simulation system
source CAADRIA 2002, 265-272. Kuala Lumpur: Computer Aided Architectural Design Research In Asia
last changed 2003/11/27 15:08

_id be8a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Manes, Sergio (2004) Architectural Representation Software: a Design Tool
authors Find in CUMINCAD Louis Kahn
year 1984
title Find in CUMINCAD Article in Journal Form and Design Forum
source Lectures Architectural Design (review) April 1961.Forma y Diseño Ediciones Nueva Visión, Buenos Aires, Argentina
last changed 2006/10/29 22:59

_id ijac202220205b3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Charitonidou, Marianna (2022) Urban scale digital twins in data-driven society: Challenging digital universalism in urban planning decision-making
authors Find in CUMINCAD Loukissas YA
year 2019
title Find in CUMINCAD All Data Are Local: Thinking Critically in a Data-Driven Society
source Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019. 250 International Journal of Architectural Computing 20(2)
last changed 2024/04/17 15:14

_id 639a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Nicholas, Paul; Bahoric, John; Ormston, Garry; Bowtell, Peter; Burry, Mark (2007) No Place for Drones
authors Find in CUMINCAD Loukissas, Y.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Rulebuilding. Exploring Design Worlds through End User Programming
source Master of Science in Architectural Studies Thesis. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
last changed 2007/09/18 12:42

_id ecaade2014_088d21
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Peter E.D. Love, Jingyang Zhou, Jane Matthews, Brad Carey and Chun-pong Sing (2014) Moving Beyond CAD: A Systems Information Model for Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Love, PED, Edwards, DJ and Smith, J
year 2006
title Find in CUMINCAD Contract documentation and the incidence of rework
source Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 1 (4), pp. 247-259
last changed 2016/08/05 13:50

_id ecaade2015_298i65
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Vannini, Virgínia Czarnobay and Turcienicz, Benamy (2015) Thermal Performance Associated with Materials in Early Stages of the Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lovell, J
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Building Envelopes An Integrated Approach
source Princeton Architectural Press, New York
last changed 2016/08/08 14:25

_id sigradi2020_174r
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Marques, Aline Calazans; Felicio, José Augusto Recker (2020) Dialogue between Building Shape and Thermal Performance
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lovell, J.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Building envelopes an integrated approach
source New York: Princeton Architectural Press
last changed 2021/08/27 16:00

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