CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 625

_id 9458
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tsou, Jin-Yeu (1998) Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics to Architectural Design Development - Strategy and Implementation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hinze, J.Q.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Turbulence
source McGraw-Hill, New York
last changed 2002/07/04 11:47

_id 72fb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Landsdown, J. (1988) Computers and Visualisation of Design Ideas: Possibilities and Promises
authors Find in CUMINCAD (Bui-Tong) Phong
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Illumination of Computer Generated Pictures
source Communications of the ACM, (18) 6 pp. 311-317
last changed 2002/08/23 18:23

_id sigradi2016_695u
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Stofella, Arthur; Bertoli, Luiza Figueredo;Vaz, Carlos Eduardo Verzola; Kós, José Ripper (2016) O desenvolvimento de um sistema de proteç?o de fachadas cinéticos: um protótipo responsivo ao comportamento do usuário [Developing a kinect façade protection system: a prototype responsive to the user behaviour]
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Soft Architecture Machines
source Cambridge: MIT Press
last changed 2017/07/25 11:13

_id ascaad2016_007w3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Elsayed, Mohamed; Osama Tolba and Ahmed Elantably (2016) Architectural Space Planning Using Parametric Modeling - Egyptian National Housing Project
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD IMAGE: computer assistant for architectural design
source Spatial synthesis in computer-aided building design, pp. 61-97
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id sigradi2016_490q
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Naboni, Roberto; Pezzi, Stefano Sartori (2016) Embedding auxetic properties in designing active-bending gridshells
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Timber lattice roof for the Mannheim Bundesgartenschau
source The Structural Engineer, Vol. 53. (No.3)
last changed 2017/07/25 11:07

_id e688
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Corona Martínez, A., Vigo, L. and Folchi, A. (2001) SEMINARIO/TALLER DE INVESTIGACION PROYECTUAL ESTRUCTURA DE TALLER ACTIVO PARA LA ENSEÑANZA E INVESTIGACIÓN PROYECTUAL ARQUITECTÓNICA ASISTIDO POR TÉCNOLOGÍAS DIGITALES (Research Seminar/Workshop on the Structure of Active Design Studios for Training and Research on Computer Aided Design)
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Five Architects
source Oxford University Press, New York
last changed 2002/09/16 16:37

_id sigradi2016_537qq
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Abreu, Sandro Canavezzi de; Vasconcelos, Guilherme Nunes de; Stralen, Mateus van (2016) Meta-Lab: programação de um laboratório interativo [Metal-Lab: the programming of an interactive lab]
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Conversation Theory
source London: Hutchinson
last changed 2017/07/25 11:09

_id sigradi2016_637r
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Castro Arenas, Cristhian; Miralles, Monica (2016) Naturaleza, Sinergia, Tensegridad y Biotensegridad, ?es 1 + 1 = 4? [Nature, Sinergy, Tensegrity and Biotensegrity, ?is 1 + 1 = 4?]
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
source Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc
last changed 2017/07/25 11:11

_id d524
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bridges, Alan (1999) Progress? What Progress?
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD GINO-F, the General Purpose Graphics Package Reference Manual
source CAD Centre, Cambridge
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id ecaaderis2023_35k
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tomiæ, Jovana, Krasiæ, Sonja, Nikoliæ, Marko and Kociæ, Nastasija (2023) Generative Methods in Kindergarten Designing
authors Find in CUMINCAD Abarca-Gómez, L. et al.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults
source The Lancet, 390(10113), pp. 2627 - 2642
last changed 2024/02/05 14:37

_id aa48
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Westenskow, D., Foresti, S., Zhang, Y., Gondeck-Becker, D., Syroid, N., Lilly, B., Strayer, .D. and Drews, F. (2000) Data Representation Architecture: Visualization Design Methods, Theory and Technology Applied to Anesthesiology
authors Find in CUMINCAD Albers, J.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Interaction of Color
source New Haven: Yale University Press
last changed 2002/08/13 19:56

_id b0eb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Westenskow, D., Zhang, Y., Foresti, S., Syroid, N., Lilly, B., Strayer, D., Drews, F. and Gondeck-Becker, D. (2001) LA ARQUITECTURA DE REPRESENTACION DE DATOS. DISEÑO ARQUITECTONICO APLICADO A LA VISUALIZACION EN ANESTESIOLOGIA (The Architecture of Data Representation. Architectonical Design Applied to the Visualization in Anestesiology)
authors Find in CUMINCAD Albers, J.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Interaction of Color
source Yale University Press, New Haven
last changed 2002/09/16 16:37

_id caadria2024_407ff4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dedeler, Elif Gamze and Bittermann, Michael S. (2024) A Pattern Coloring Method Using Rank-Based Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm
authors Find in CUMINCAD Albers, J.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Interaction of Color
source Yale University Press
last changed 2024/06/05 13:48

_id 33a2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Refvem, Sharon (1996) Constructive Learning Techniques and Color Application in Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Albers, Joseph
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD Interaction of Color
source New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id b439
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ekholm, Anders (2001) Activity objects in CAD-programs for building design. A prototype program implementation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD A Timeless Way of Building
source Oxford University Press, New York
last changed 2002/12/13 16:36

_id 40a4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Silva, Erivelton M.; Paraizo, Rodrigo C. (2008) Urban Projects Database Based on Alexander's Pattern Language:The Case Of Favela-Bairro
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD The Oregon Experiment
source Oxford University Press, New York
last changed 2008/10/17 14:07

_id 40af
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ervin, Stephen M. (1990) Designing with Diagrams: A Role for Computing in Design Education and Exploration
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C., Ishakawa, S. and Silverstein, M.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD A Pattern Language: Towns. Buildings. Construction.
source New York: Oxford University Press
last changed 2002/08/30 16:57

_id dfe4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Clayton, M.J., Song, Y., Han, K., Darapureddy, K., Al-Kahaweh, H. and Soh, I. (2001) Data for Reflection: Monitoring the Use of Web-Based Design Aids
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C., Silverstein, M., Angel, S., Ishikawa, S. and Abrams, D.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD The Oregon Experiment
source New York: Oxford University Press
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id sigradi2020_180x
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cavalcanti, Isabella Eloy; Mendes, Leticia Teixeira (2020) Form and urban life in Christopher Alexander's work: translation of patterns for parametric code
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C., Silverstein, M., Angel, S., Ishikawa, S., & Abrams, D.
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD The Oregon experiment (Vol. 3)
source Center for Environmental Struc
last changed 2021/08/27 16:00

_id 83fd
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Peng, Chengzhi (2011) uCampus: Can an open source 3D interactive virtual campus modelling platform support institutional learning and innovation?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alexander, C., Silverstein, M., Angel, S., Ishikawa, S., and D. Abrams
year 1975
title Find in CUMINCAD The Oregon Experiment
source Oxford University Press
last changed 2012/01/14 18:09

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