CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 9120

_id cbb3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Geva, Anat; Mukherji, Anuradha (2007) A Study of Light/Darkness in Sacred Settings: Digital Simulations
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W. M. C.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and Lighting as Form Giver for Architecture
source McGraw-Hill, New York
last changed 2007/11/21 09:27

_id 3131
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hanna, R. (1996) A Computer-based Approach for Teaching Daylighting at the Early Design Stage
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture
source McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1977, p. 10
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id 5288
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sarawgi, Tina and Paranandi, Murali (2002) Daylight Simulation: Examining its place during Conceptual Stages in a CAAD Studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W.C.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and lighting as formgiver for architecture
source McGraw Hill
last changed 2002/12/07 10:15

_id 95b4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sarawgi, Tina (2004) Determining the Suitability of Computer-Aided Daylight Simulation Method in the Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W.C.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and lighting as formgiver for architecture
source McGraw Hill, New York
last changed 2006/10/29 22:59

_id e406
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Li, Thomas S.P. and Will, Barry F. (1997) A Computer-Aided Evaluation Tool for the Visual Aspects in Architectural Design for High-Density and High- Rise Buildings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W.M.C.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture
source McGraw-Hill, pp 14-30
last changed 2002/08/30 21:51

_id 25a0
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Will, Barry F. and Siu-Pan Li , Thomas (1997) Computers for Windows: Interactive Optimization Tools for Architects designing openings in walls (IOTA)
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lam, W.M.C.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture
source McGraw-Hill, pp. 14-30
last changed 2002/07/07 11:19

_id eb53
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Yu, Rongrong; Ning Gu and Michael Ostwald (2012) Using Situated FBS Ontology to Explore Designers' Patterns of Behavior in Parametric Environments
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD A pattern language : towns, buildings, construction
source CHARLES, M. E., MCCRACKEN, W. M. & WENDY, C. N. (eds.) Design Knowing and Learning: Cognition in Design Education. Oxford: Elsevier Science
last changed 2012/05/22 08:07

_id 48a3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Moya, Rafael; Simon Watkins, Yan Ding, Jane Burry and Mark Burry (2014 ) Aerodynamic Features as Auxiliary Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Aynsley, R. M., Melbourne, W. H. & Vickery, B. J.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Architectural aerodynamics
source London, Applied Science Publishers
last changed 2014/05/09 23:50

_id ecaade2014_065b15
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Daniel Prohasky, Rafael Moya Castro, Simon Watkins, Jane Burry and Mark Burry (2014) Wind sensing with real-time visualisations for Designers - An approach to understanding wind phenomena for pedestrian comfort using low cost wind sensors
authors Find in CUMINCAD Aynsley, R. M., Melbourne, W. H. and Vickery, B. J.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Architectural aerodynamics
source Applied Science Publishers, London
last changed 2016/08/05 13:50

_id ecaade2014_071z16
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rafael Moya, Daniel Prohasky, Simon Watkins, Yan Ding, Jane Burry and Mark Burry (2014) Aerodynamic strategy applied in an urban shelter design - Simulation and analysis of aerodynamic phenomena in an urban context
authors Find in CUMINCAD Aynsley, R.M., Melbourne, W.H. and Vickery, B.J.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Architectural aerodynamics
source Applied Science Publishers, London
last changed 2016/08/05 13:50

_id ijac201513203r6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Velikov, Kathy; Geoffrey Thün, Mary O’Malley, and Lars Junghans (2015) Computational and Physical Modeling for Multi-Cellular Pneumatic Envelope Assemblies
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bach, K. Bereiter-Hahn, J., Gutman,W.F., Helmcke, J-H., Nachtigall,W., Otto, F., Raccanello, R., Schaur, E., Schill, R.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD IL9 Pneus In Nature And Technics
source Institut für Leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart
last changed 2016/06/13 08:07

_id caadria2022_272a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dong, Zhiyong (2022) Perceiving Fabric Immersed in Time, an Exploration of Urban Cognitive Capabilities of Neural Networks
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barley, M. W.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD European towns: their archaeology and early history
source Academic Press
last changed 2022/06/16 10:50

_id b26e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Shaviv, Edna and Peleg, Uriel J. (1991) An Integrated KB-CAAD System for the Design of Solar and Low Energy Buildings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Beckman, W.A., Klein, S.A. and Duffie, J.A.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Solar Heating Design by the F-Chart Method
source NY: Wiley Interscience
last changed 2002/08/30 16:58

_id ecaade2015_297s64
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Park, James and Economou, Athanassios (2015) The Dirksen Variations - Towards a Generative Description of Mies's Courthouse Language
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blaser, W
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD After Mies: Mies van der Rohe, teaching and principles
source Van Nostrand Reinhold
last changed 2016/08/08 14:25

_id cb76
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wu, Yen-Liang (2009) Some Phenomena in The Spatial Representation of Virtual Reality
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bloomer, K. C. and Moore, C. W.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Body, Memory and Architecture
source Yale
last changed 2009/05/05 15:46

_id 27af
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chang, Teng-Wen; Heng Jiang, Sheng-Han Chen and Sambit Datta (2012) Dynamic skin: Interacting with space: An inter-media interface between people and space
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bloomer, K. C. and Moore, C. W.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Body, Memory, and Architecture
source Yale University Press, New Haven
last changed 2012/04/19 10:37

_id caadria2024_59i2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lai, Ih-Cheng (2024) EMO-Space: A Computational Model for Interaction between Emotions and Space
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bloomer, K. C., Moore, C. W. and Yudell, R.J.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Body, Memory, and Architecture
source New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press
last changed 2024/06/05 13:41

_id d05c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Anshuman, Sachin (2005) Responsiveness and Social Expression; Seeking Human Embodiment in Intelligent Façades
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bloomer, K.C. & Moore, C.W.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD Body Memory and Architecture
source London: Yale University Press
last changed 2005/10/29 14:23

_id 39c9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Serrato-Combe, Antonio (2003) Going Upstream - Finding New Ways to Enhance the Use of Computers as Design Tools
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bühler, W. K.
year 1981
title Find in CUMINCAD Gauss, A Biographical Study
source Berlin; Coxeter, H. S. M.:1977, Gauss as a geometer, Historia Math. 4 (4) pp. 379-396
last changed 2003/11/21 16:29

_id 5022
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cheng, Nancy Yen-Wen (1999) Playing with Digital Media: Enlivening Computer Graphics Teaching
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cameron, W. McD. and Mundry, S.
year 1977
title Find in CUMINCAD The Games Lessons
source Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
last changed 2002/08/12 14:26

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