CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 957

_id ecaade2016_113c31
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Poinet, Paul, Baharlou, Ehsan, Schwinn, Tobias and Menges, Achim (2016) Adaptive Pneumatic Shell Structures - Feedback-driven robotic stiffening of inflated extensible membranes and further rigidification for architectural applications
authors Find in CUMINCAD Otto, FO
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Growing and Dividing Pneus
source Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke (IL), Stuttgart
last changed 2016/08/05 14:04

_id acadia16_62g4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rusenova, Gergana; Dierichs, Karola; Baharlou, Ehsan; Menges, Achim (2016) Feedback- and Data-driven Design for Aggregate Architectures: Analyses of Data Collections for Physical and Numerical Prototypes of Designed Granular Materials
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cundall, Peter A., and Otto D. L. Strack
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD A Discrete Numerical-Model for Granular Assemblies - Reply
source Geotechnique 29: 47–65
last changed 2016/10/24 13:27

_id 7716
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Perron, Richard and Miller, Deron (1991) Landscape of the Mind
authors Find in CUMINCAD Kris, Ernst and Kurz, Otto
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Legend, Myth and Magic in the Image of the Artist
source New Haven: Yale University Press
last changed 2002/07/11 14:02

_id caadria2018_008h
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Crolla, Kristof, Cheng, Paul Hung Hon, Chan, Ding Yuen Shan, Chan, Arthur Ngo Foon and Lau, Darwin (2018) Inflatable Architecture Production with Cable-Driven Robots
authors Find in CUMINCAD Otto, F
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Growing and Dividing Pneus
source Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke, Universität Stuttgart
last changed 2018/05/29 12:42

_id ecaade2021_234m
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Turhan, Gözde Damla, Varinlioglu, Guzden and Bengisu, Murat (2021) An Integrated Structural Optimization Method for Bacterial Cellulose-Based Composite Biofilms
authors Find in CUMINCAD Otto, FO and Glaeser, LG
year 1972
title Find in CUMINCAD The work of Frei Otto
source Museum of Modern Art, New York Graphic Society, Greenwich
last changed 2021/08/09 14:31

_id ecaade2016_113d31
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Poinet, Paul, Baharlou, Ehsan, Schwinn, Tobias and Menges, Achim (2016) Adaptive Pneumatic Shell Structures - Feedback-driven robotic stiffening of inflated extensible membranes and further rigidification for architectural applications
authors Find in CUMINCAD Otto, FO
year 1983
title Find in CUMINCAD Air Hall Handbook
source Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke, Universität Stuttgart
last changed 2016/08/05 14:04

_id sigradi2016_590a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pezzica, Camilla; Lopes, Jo?o V.; Paio, Alexandra (2016) Square Design: from digital analysis to urban design
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD To take hold of space: isovists and isovist fields
source Environment and Planning B:Planning and Design, 6
last changed 2017/07/25 11:10

_id ascaad2016_054t21
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Mandhan, Sneha; David Birge and Alan Berger (2016) Dynamic Simulation of External Visual Privacy in Arab Muslim Neighborhoods - A case study of Emirati neighborhoods in Abu Dhabi, UAE
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD To Take Hold of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields
source Environ. Plan. B Plan. Des. 6, 47–65
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id ascaad2016_045u18
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dahadreh, Saleem; Rasha Alshami (2016) The Four F's of Architecture - A conceptual framework for understanding architectural works
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Concepts in Architecture
source James C. Snyder and Anthony J. Catanese (Eds). Introduction to Architecture. U.S.A: Mc Graw- Hill Book Company, 208-235
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id d8a7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Maver, Tom (1997) A Number is Worth a Thousand Pictures
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Deemed to Satisfy? Valtos and ABACUS
source Architects Journal, 24 October 1979
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id sigradi2016_781zz
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cardellino, Paula; Araneda, Claudio (2016) Reconfiguración del aula escolar – un análisis sensorio de la interacción alumno-maestro [Reconfiguration of the classroom environment - A sensorial analysis of the teacher - pupil interaction]
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD To take hold of space: Isovists and isovists fields
source Environment and Planning B, 6, 47–65
last changed 2017/07/25 11:18

_id ascaad2016_024j10
in paper Find in CUMINCAD El Sayary, Samer (2016) Using Time As a Sustainable Tool to Control Daylight in Space - Creating the Chronoform
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Muybridge’s Complete Human and Animal Locomotion
source New York: Dover
last changed 2017/06/14 14:36

_id caadria2015_092g15
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wu, Chengde; Henan Li and Wei Yan (2015 ) Fatal Fire Risk Checking for Residential Building Design
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Fire Fatality Study
source Fire and Materials. Wiley. doi:10.1002/fam.810030406
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id caadria2015_108m16
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dritsas, Stylianos (2015 ) Procedural Building Information Modeling for Digital Fabrication
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness
source San Francisco, CA
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id caadria2015_073x9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Yu, Rongrong and John Gero (2015 ) An Empirical Foundation for Design Patterns in Parametric Design
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD The Timeless Way of Building
source Oxford University Press
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id sigradi2016_817l
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Holzer, Dominik (2016) Pathways for Testing Environmental Building Performance
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Computing Utilities for Building Designers and Owners
source Journal of the Institute of Housing, Vol .16, 12-13
last changed 2017/07/25 11:19

_id 1520
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Turner, James A. (1987) Graphic Standards: IGES and PDES in an AEC Environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD -'
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD ICAM Program Prospectus
source Update B, September
last changed 2002/07/12 14:08

_id 800c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Maver, T. (1988) Software Tools for the Technical Evaluation of Design Alternatives
authors Find in CUMINCAD ABACUS and VALTOS
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Deemed to Satisfy
source Architects Journal, 24 October
last changed 2002/08/23 18:23

_id 9a94
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Langendorf, Richard (1986) Alternative Models of Architectural Practice: The Impact of Computers -- 1990 and 2000
authors Find in CUMINCAD Adams, James
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas
source 2nd. edition, New York: W.W. Norton Company
last changed 2002/07/10 09:13

_id a5ee
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dalyrmple, Michael and Gerzso, Michael (1998) Executable Drawings: The Computation of Digital Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Aho, Alfred V. and Ullman, Jeffrey D.
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Principles of Compiler Design (3rd Edition)
source Reading, MA: Addison Wesley
last changed 2002/08/07 11:43

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