CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 4192

_id caadria2023_334b2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cahyadi, Muhammad Rafif, Alkadri, Miktha Farid and De Luca, Francesco (2023) Dynamic Calculations of Thermal Bridges in Curtain Wall and Its Effects on Cooling Loads and Thermal Delay
authors Find in CUMINCAD Baggs, S., Baggs, D. W., &Amp; Baggs, J. C.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Australian Earth-covered Buildings
source New South Wales University Press
last changed 2023/06/15 11:45

_id 4bd7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Koch, Volker; Lückert, Angelika J.; Schwarz, Thorsten; Both, Petra von; Diziol, Peter (2012) Haptic Paintings: Using Rapid Prototyping Technologies to Grant Visually Impaired Persons Access to Paintings, Sculptures, Graphics and Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Australian Institute of Cartographers
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Tactual Mapping Specifications, First Edition
source The N.S.W. Tactual Mapping Committee
last changed 2013/08/19 17:16

_id cf45
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Mishima, Yoshitaka and Szalapaj, Peter (1999) ADMIRE: an Architectural Design Multimedia Interaction Resource for Education
authors Find in CUMINCAD Dunster, D.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Key buildings of the twentieth century
source Volume 1: Houses 1900-1944 The Architectural Press Limited, London, UK
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id acadia19_616ee
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sitnikov, Vasily; Eigenraam, Peter; Papanastasis, Panagiotis; Wassermann-Fry, Stephan (2019) IceFormwork for Cast HPFRC Elements
authors Find in CUMINCAD Durisch, T. (ed.).
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD Peter Zumthor: Buildings and Projects, 1985-2013
source Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess
last changed 2019/12/18 09:15

_id ijac201715104ee
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Matalucci, Berardo; Kenton Phillips, Alicia A Walf, Anna Dyson and Joshua Draper (2017) An experimental design framework for the personalization of indoor microclimates through feedback loops between responsive thermal systems and occupant biometrics
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fanger P, Ipsen B, Langkilde G, et al.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Comfort limits for asymmetric thermal radiation
source Energ Buildings 1985; 8: 225–236
last changed 2017/12/11 13:41

_id ecaade2020_241vv
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Stojanovic, Djordje and Vujovic, Milica (2020) Algorithmic Framework for Correlation Between Microclimate Control and Space Usage in Outdoor Public Spaces
authors Find in CUMINCAD Gehl, J
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space
source Van Nostrand Reinhold
last changed 2020/09/10 10:43

_id a9b0
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gero, J. and Maher, M. (1988) Future Roles of Knowledge-based Systems in the Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hutchinson, P.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD An Expert System for the Selection of Earth Retaining Structures
source MBdgSc Thesis (unpublished), Department of Architectural Science, University of Sydney (1985)
last changed 2002/08/23 18:23

_id dbed
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Carrara, Gianfranco and Kalay, Yehuda E. (1992) Multi-Model Representation of Design Knowledge
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher M.L. and Fenves, S.J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Preliminary Structural Design of High Rise Buildings
source Technical Report R-85-146, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, January 1985
last changed 2002/07/11 14:02

_id 2922
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Carrara, G., Kalay Y.E. and Novembri, G. (1992) Multi-modal Representation of Design Knowledge
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, M.L. and Fences, S.J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Preliminary Structural Design of High Rise Buildings
source Technical Report R-85-146, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, January
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id 0967
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Akin, O., Cumming, M. , Shealey, M. and Tuncer, B. (1996) An Electronic Design Assistance Tool for Case Based Representation of Designs
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, M.L. and Fenves, S.J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: an expert system for the preliminary structural design of high rise buildings, in J. S. Gero (ed), Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design
source Amsterdam: North Holland
last changed 2002/08/05 11:47

_id bc73
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Clayton, M.J., Kunz, J.C., Fischer, M.A. and Teicholz, P. (1994) First Drawings, Then Semantics
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, M.L. and Fenves, S.J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: An Expert System for the Preliminary Design of High Rise Buildings
source Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design, edited by Gero, J., Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
last changed 2002/08/02 15:19

_id b1c6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Shaviv, Edna and Peleg, Uriel J. (1991) An Integrated KB-CAAD System for the Design of Solar and Low Energy Buildings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, M.L. and Fenves, S.L.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Preliminary Structural Design of High Rise Buildings
source Report No. R-85-146, Departinent of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. PA 15213
last changed 2002/08/30 16:58

_id 3b20
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Flemming, Ulrich and Schmitt, Gerhard (1986) The Computer in the Design Studio. Ideas and Exercises that Go Beyond Automated Drafting
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, Mary Lou and Fenves, Steven J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: A Knowledgc-Based Expert System for the Preliminary Structural Design of High Risc Office Buildings
source Report R-85-146. Deparunent of Civil Engineering, Camegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
last changed 2002/07/10 09:13

_id 76b6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schmitt, Gerhard N. (1985) Architectural Expert Systems: Definition, Application Areas and Practical Examples
authors Find in CUMINCAD Maher, Mary Lou and Fenves, Steven J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD HI-RISE: A Knowledge-Based Expert System For The Preliminary Structural Design Of High Rise Buildings
source Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University
last changed 2002/07/12 14:08

_id af8f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wolchko, Matthew J. (1985) Strategies Toward Architectural Knowledge Engineering
authors Find in CUMINCAD McIntosh, P.G.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer_Aided Spatial Modeling of Buildings Using Database Dependency Rules
source Arizona State University School of Architecture, Tempe, AZ
last changed 2002/07/12 14:08

_id ecaade2017_170g
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Modesitt, Adam and Wendell, Augustus (2017) Interiority & Perception in Cinema - Digitally Reconstructing Space, Light, and Motion
authors Find in CUMINCAD Ogleby, C and Rivett, LJ
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Handbook of heritage photogrammetry
source Australian Government Publishing Service
last changed 2017/09/26 14:16

_id 1a90
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Georgopoulos, A.; Ioannidis, C.h.; Chrysostomou, C.h.; Ioakim, S.; Shieittanis, N.; Ioannides, M. (2009) Contemporary Digital Methods for the Geometric Documentation of Churches in Cyprus
authors Find in CUMINCAD Ogleby, C., Rivett, L.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Handbook of Heritage Photogrammetry
source Australian Heritage Commission Special Australian Heritage Publication No 4, Canberra
last changed 2009/07/01 18:28

_id f4e5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ophir, Yaniv (2009) Collective Intelligence: An Agent-Based Approach to Programmatic Organization in Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Sharpe, R., Marksjo, B.S., Mitchell, J.R. and Crawford, J.R.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD An Interactive Model for the Layout of Buildings
source Applied Mathematical Modeling, 1985, 9, 207-14
last changed 2009/12/30 17:34

_id 03f6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Vanier, D. J. and Worling, Jamie (1986) Three-dimensional Visualization: A Case Study
authors Find in CUMINCAD Vanier, D.J.
year 1985
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer Modelling for Buildings
source Canadian Architect 30, No. 3, 29-31
last changed 2002/08/23 18:23

_id 4125
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Santo, Yasu; Susan Loh and Ruwan Fernando (2013) Open Up the Building – Architectural Relevance of Building-Users and Their Participations
authors Find in CUMINCAD Kennedy, R. J., Loh, S., Miller, W. F., Summerville, J. A. and Heffernan, M. E.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Same Latitude New Attitude: Reducing Greenhouse gas emissions in institional offices through positive adjustment of thermostat settings
source Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating Pre-loved Buildings Conference: Continuing the Push, Brisbane, Australia
last changed 2013/08/19 13:34

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