CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 1430

_id 256c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Perron, Richard and Miller, Deron (1991) Landscape of the Mind
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cox, Donna J.
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD The Tao of Post-modernism: Computer Art, Scientific Visualization and Other Paradoxes
source Proceedings SIGGRAPH 1989, p. 9.
last changed 2002/07/11 14:02

_id bbcb
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cox, Donna
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD The Tao of Postmodernism
source Leonardo [Computer Art in Context Supplemental Issue], p. 7-12
last changed 2007/12/12 14:23

_id sigradi2016_655k
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Molinas, Isabel Sabina; Cuartas, Coppelia Herrán; Mazo, Ever Pati?o; Castagno, Julián Antonio Ossa (2016) Estrategias para la promoción social en el Distrito de Innovación de Medellín, Colombia. Primer Taller de Dise?o Experimental para la Ciudad. [Strategies for social promotion in the District of Innovation in Medellin, Colombia. First Experi-mental Design Workshop for the City]
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Making Sense of Experiential Learning: Diversity in Theory and Practice
source Buckingham: Open University Press
last changed 2017/07/25 11:12

_id caadria2015_213n32
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kornkasem, Sorachai and John B. Black (2015 ) CAAD, Cognition & Spatial Thinking Training
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD The role of experience in spatial test performance: A meta-analysis
source Sex Roles, 20, 327–344
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id ascaad2016_028w10
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Modesitt, Adam (2016) Adaptive Collaboration in Project Delivery
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Adaptive control
source Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
last changed 2017/06/14 14:36

_id sigradi2016_393ww
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Muniz, Leonardo Oliveira; Marino, Tiago Badre; Silva, Jorge Xavier da (2016) Geoinclus?o: Sistemas de Informaç?o Geográfica e Crowdthinking [Geoinclusion: Geographical Information Systems and Crowdthinking]
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Geographic information systems: a management perspective
source Ottawa: WDL Publications
last changed 2017/07/25 11:03

_id ascaad2016_041k16
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kartalou, Nikolia (2016) Visualising Heritage-Memory - The paradigm of Chambers Street
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire
source Representations, 26, Jul 24
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id ascaad2016_011j5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Alani, Mostafa W. (2016) Morphological Code of Historical Geometric Patterns - The Digital Age of Islamic Architecture
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Coding and generating complex periodic patterns
source vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 180-202
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id caadria2015_124a20
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Çavu_o_lu, Ömer H. (2015 ) Building Information Modeling Tools: Opportunities for Early Stages of Architectural Design
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Problem representation versus domain of solution in architectural design teaching
source Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Vol. 6(3), 204-215
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id dd2d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fargas, Josep and Papazian, Pegor (1992) Modeling Regulations and Intentions for Urban Development: The Role of Computer Simulation in the Urban Design Studio
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Boston Redevelopment Authority, Downtown Zoning Midtown Cultural District Plan
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id ascaad2016_011g5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Alani, Mostafa W. (2016) Morphological Code of Historical Geometric Patterns - The Digital Age of Islamic Architecture
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD In the Tower of Babel: Beyond symmetry in islamic design
source vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 751-789
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id sigradi2016_356a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Borges, Marina Ferreira (2016) A Fabricaç?o Digital e o Papel da Arquitetura para uma Mudança de Paradigma Tecno-Econômico no Setor da Construç?o Civil [Digital Fabrication in Brazil and the Role of Architecture for a Techno Economic Paradigm Shift in the Sector of Building Construction]
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Thinking about growth
source Cambridge: Cambridge University
last changed 2017/07/25 11:00

_id ascaad2016_007l3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Elsayed, Mohamed; Osama Tolba and Ahmed Elantably (2016) Architectural Space Planning Using Parametric Modeling - Egyptian National Housing Project
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Analytical methods for dynamic simulation of non-penetrating rigid bodies
source ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics (Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 223-232). ACM
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id caadria2015_170o25
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chen, Yu Chen and Chao-Ming Wang (2015 ) The Research of Human-Computer Interaction by Combining Affective Computing into Chinese Calligraphy Art
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Artifacts and History Series 21: The Flowing Brush – the Art of Chinese Calligraphy
source Taipei: National Museum of History
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id ascaad2016_005a3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Khabazi, Zubin; Michael Budig (2016) Materiality in Its Minimum - Minimum Material Consumption through Design with Mathematics
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Lectures on Minimal Surfaces: Introduction, fundamentals,geometry and basic boundary value problems
source Cambridge University Press
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id caadria2015_087s13
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Moleta, Tane J. (2015 ) Flowing through Space
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD The Elusive Mass Media
source Int. J. Polit. Cult. Soc. 2, 414–419
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id sigradi2016_815ff
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bernal, Marcelo (2016) From Parametric to Meta Modeling in Design
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Modeling objects and environments
source Wiley
last changed 2017/07/25 11:19

_id sigradi2016_625rr
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pereira Junior, Clorisval; Holanda, Giodana; Spitz, Rejane (2016) Crowdmapping e mapeamento colaborativo em iniciativas de inovaç?o social no Brasil [Crowdmapping and Collaborative Mapping in Digital Social Innovation Initiatives in Brazil]
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Deconstructing the map
source Cartographica 26, 1-20
last changed 2017/07/25 11:11

_id f566
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Brondino, Nair Cristina Margarido and Da Silva, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues (1998) A comparison of land valuation methods supported by GIS
authors Find in CUMINCAD Abelson, P.
year 1997
title Find in CUMINCAD House and Land Prices in Sydney from 1931 to 1989
source Urban Studies 34, pp. 1381-1400
last changed 2003/12/12 15:41

_id f504
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Shaviv, Edna and Peleg, Uriel J. (1991) An Integrated KB-CAAD System for the Design of Solar and Low Energy Buildings
authors Find in CUMINCAD ACA ltd
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD ARC+ 3-D Architectural software - Users guide
source Israel
last changed 2002/08/30 16:58

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