CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 11964

_id ecaade2020_264y
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Nicholas, Paul, Rossi, Gabriella, Papadopoulou, Iliana, Tamke, Martin, Aalund Brandt, Nikolaj and Jessen Hansen, Leif (2020) Precision Partner - Enhancing GFRC craftsmanship with industry 4.0 factory-floor feedback
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schmitt, R, Monostori, L, Glöckner, H, Stiller, H and Viharos, Z
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD Designing closed quality control loops for stableproduction systems
source Proceedings of the 55th EOQ Congress
last changed 2020/09/10 10:43

_id a13e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Apollonio, Fabrizio I.; Gaiani, Marco; Corsi, Cristiana (2010) A Semantic and Parametric Method for 3D Models used in 3D Cognitive-Information System
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schmittwilken, J, Dörschlag, D and Plümer, L
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Attribute Grammar for 3D City Models
source Proceedings of the 27th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS), Ljubljana, Slovenja, pp. 49-58
last changed 2010/09/12 07:53

_id 12b7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Apollonio, Fabrizio I.; Cristiana Corsi, Marco Gaiani, Simone Baldissini (2010) An Integrated 3D Geodatabase for Palladio's Work
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schmittwilken, J., Dörschlag, and D., Plümer, L.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Attribute Grammar for 3D City Models
source Proceedings of Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS) 2009, Taylor & Francis, London, 2009, 49–58
last changed 2010/10/26 17:33

_id ecaade2024_54w3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Svatoš-Ražnjeviæ, Hana; Wyller, Maria; Schad, Eva; Menges, Achim (2024) Jammed Rubble: A building system concept for granular architecture from mixed mineral waste
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schmitz L.P., Gosslar J., Dorresteijn E., Lowke D., Kloft H.
year 2024
title Find in CUMINCAD Experimental investigations on the compaction energy for a robotic rammed earth process
source Front. Built Environ
last changed 2024/08/28 15:21

_id ace9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ham, Jeremy J. and Marc Aurel Schnabel (2012) How social is the virtual design studio? A case study of a third year design studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M. A and Howe, E. L. C.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD The changing face of problem-based learning - social networking and interprofessional collaboration
source Researching Problem-based Learning in Clinical Education: The Next Generation, Springer, Berlin, 121-138
last changed 2012/04/19 10:35

_id d70c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Yingge Qu (2012) Digital manga virtual environment: Bi-tonal visualisation for texture-mapped virtual environments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M. A. and Howe, E. L. C.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Client design literacy and consultancy skills in architectural education
source Proc. 42nd ANZAScA Conference, 205-218
last changed 2012/04/19 10:33

_id d9a5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Evelyn L. C. Howe (2010) The interprofessional virtual design studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M. A. and Howe, E. L.C.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Client design literacy and consultancy skills in architectural education
source Computing, cognition and education: recent research in the architectural sciences, Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) and University of Newcastle, Australia, 205–218
last changed 2010/04/29 07:37

_id a78b
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Seichter, Hartmut, Schnabel, Marc Aurel (2005) Digital and Tangible Sensation: An Augmented Reality Urban Design Studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M. A.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD Collaborative studio in a virtual environment
source Kinshuk, R. Lewis, K. Akahori, R. Kemp, T. Okamoto, L. Henderson & C.-H. Lee (eds) Learning communities on the Internet - Pedagogy in implementation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), vol. 1 IEEE, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 337–341
last changed 2005/05/23 07:42

_id 8d7f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Yingge Qu (2011) Digital manga depiction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M.A. and Howe, E.L.C.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Client design literacy and consultancy skills in architectural education
source N. Gu, M. Ostwald, A. Williams (eds.), Computing, Cognition and Education - Recent Research in the Architectural Science, ANZAScA & University of Newcastle, Australia, 205–218.
last changed 2011/05/31 15:38

_id 05ab
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel; Kvan, Thomas; Kuan, Steve K.S.; Li, Weidong (2004) 3D Crossover: exploring objets digitalisé
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, M.A.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD Collaborative Studio in a Virtual Environment
source Kinshuk, R. Lewis, K.Akahori, R.Kemp, T.Okamoto, L.Henderson and C.-H.Lee eds., Learning communities on the Internet – Pedagogy in implementation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), IEEE, Auckland, 2002, pp. 337–341
last changed 2006/10/29 22:59

_id fe3a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Jeremy J. Ham (2011) The social network virtual design studio: Integrated design learning using blended learning environments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnabel, Marc Aurel & Howe, Evelyn L. C.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Client design literacy and consultancy skills in architectural education
source Computing, Cognition and Education - Recent Research in the Architectural Sciences, Ning Gu, Michael Ostwald, Anthony Williams (Eds.) Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) and University of Newcastle, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-9806034-3-9, pp 205-218
last changed 2011/05/31 15:38

_id 1a29
in paper Find in CUMINCAD McCall, Ray (1998) World Wide Presentation and Critique of Design Proposals with the Web-PHIDIAS System
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schnase, J.L., Leggett, J.J. and Hicks, D.L.
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD HB1: Design and Implementation of a Hyperbase Management System
source Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design, Vol. 6, No. 2
last changed 2002/08/07 11:43

_id 90a8
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Germen, M. (2007) Virtual Architecture: Reconstructing Architecture Through Photography
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD Unredeemably Utopian: Architecture and Making / Unmaking the World
source Architecture, Design and Utopia, Utopian Studies 9.1.
last changed 2008/02/02 10:05

_id ecaade2018_264ll
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Qabshoqa, Mohammad (2018) Virtual Place-Making - The Re-discovery of Architectural Places through Augmented Play - A playful emergence between the real and unreal
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneekloth, L.H. and Shibley, R.G.
year 1995
title Find in CUMINCAD Placemaking: The art and practice of building communities
source Wiley, New York
last changed 2018/07/24 12:36

_id cd42
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Serrato-Combe, Antonio (2005) Lindenmayer Systems – Experimenting with Software String Rewriting as an Assist to the Study and Generation of Architectural Form
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, C.W. & Walde, R.E.
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD L-system computer simulations of branching divergence in some dorsiventral members of the tribe Polysiphonieae (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta)
source Phycologia, 31: 581 - 590
last changed 2005/08/25 07:57

_id acadia14_565ae
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Klemmt, Chirstoph (2014) Compression Based Growth Modelling
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, E. L., & Williamson, P. S.
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD Nymphaeaceae
source Flowering Plants• Dicotyledons (pp. 486-493). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
last changed 2016/04/22 12:30

_id acadia14projects_565ae
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, E. L., & Williamson, P. S.
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD Nymphaeaceae
source Flowering Plants• Dicotyledons (pp. 486-493). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
last changed 2016/04/22 13:35

_id acadia17_274xx
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hosseini, S. Vahab; Taron, Joshua M.; Alim, Usman R. (2017) Optically Illusive Architecture: Producing Depthless Objects Using Principles of Linear Perspective
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, S., C. Tonn, F. Petzold, and D. Donath
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Designing with Images, Augmented Reality Supported On-site Trompe l’Oeil
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: 3rd International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design, edited by A. Okeil, A. Al-Attili and Z. Mallasi, 275–90. Alexandria, Egypt: ASCAAD
last changed 2017/12/01 12:09

_id acadia17_283xx
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, S., C. Tonn, F. Petzold, and D. Donath
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Designing with Images, Augmented Reality Supported On-site Trompe l’Oeil
source Em‘body’ing Virtual Architecture: 3rd International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design, edited by A. Okeil, A. Al-Attili and Z. Mallasi, 275–90. Alexandria, Egypt: ASCAAD
last changed 2017/11/21 09:57

_id 255d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tonn, Christian; Petzold, Frank; Donath, Dirk (2008) Put on Your Glasses and Press Right Mouse Button
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schneider, S., Tonn, C. and Petzold, F.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Designing with images – Augmented reality supported on-site Trompe-l’oeil
source Em´boby´ing Virtual Architecture – ASCAAD, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 275-290
last changed 2009/04/25 10:54

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