CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 3586

_id 8465
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Van Raes, N., Cornelis, B. and Donney, J.P. (1998) Decision Support for Improving Public Transport Network
authors Find in CUMINCAD Roy, T.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Traffic Assignment Techniques
source Avebury technical, Hants.
last changed 2003/12/12 15:41

_id ecaade2016_144d40
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wendell, Augustus, Altin, Burcak Ozludil and Thompson, Ulysee (2016) Prototyping a Temporospatial Simulation Framework:Case of an Ottoman Insane Asylum
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The Reconstruction of the Past: The Application of New Techniques for Visualization and Research in Architectural History
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications, CAAD Futures '91 Conference Proceedings, pp. 549-566
last changed 2016/08/05 14:04

_id e138
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ataman, Osman and Wingert, Kate (2000) Developing a Methodology for the Study of Urban Transformation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The reconstruction of the past: the application of new techniques for visualization and research in architectural history
source CAAD Futures ‘91, edited by G. Schmitt. Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg & Sohn
last changed 2002/09/04 19:35

_id 0faf
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ataman, Osman (2002) Historical Analysis of Building - (Re)Construction in Olivette Park, USA
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The reconstruction of the past: the application of new techniques for visualization and research in architectural history
source CAAD Futures ‘91. G. Schmitt. Braunschweig, Germany, Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: 549-566
last changed 2003/02/14 22:17

_id 4f55
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ataman, Osman and Wingert, Kate (2001) DEVELOPING AN INTERACTIVE URBAN MODEL PROTOTYPE
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The reconstruction of the past: the application of new techniques for visualization and research in architectural history
source CAAD Futures ‘91, edited by G. Schmitt. Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft
last changed 2002/09/16 16:37

_id 2bd5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Boeykens, Stefan; Neuckermans, Herman (2009) Architectural design analysis, historical reconstruction and structured archival using 3D models: Techniques, methodology and long term preservation of digital models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The Reconstruction of the Past: The Application of New Techniques for Visualization and Research in Architectural History
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, July, pp. 549-566
last changed 2009/06/13 06:22

_id 4c44
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Day, Alan K. and Radford, Antony D. (1995) Imaging Change: The Computer City Model as a Laboratory for Urban Design Research
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alkhoven, P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The Reconstructing of the Past: the Application of New Techniques for Visualisation and Research in Architectural History
source Schmitt, G. N., CAAD Futures '91 Proceedings, (Zurich, 1991, pp. 507-522
last changed 2002/08/21 12:05

_id 4d77
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Medjdoub, B. Richens, P. and Barnard, N. (2001) Building Services Standard Solutions. Variational Generation of Plant Room Layouts
authors Find in CUMINCAD Baykan C. and Fox, M.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Spatial Planning
source Intelligent CAD Systems III, Practical Experience and Evaluation
last changed 2002/12/13 16:36

_id b40b
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Li, S.-P., Frazer, J.H. and Tang M.-X. (2000) A Constraint Based Generative System for Floor Layouts
authors Find in CUMINCAD Baykan, C. and Fox, M.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Spatial Planning
source P.J.W. ten Hagen and P.J. Veerkamp (eds), Intelligent CAD Systems III: Practical experience and evaluation, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
last changed 2002/07/04 11:47

_id 78c7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Koutamanis, Alexander (1995) Multilevel Analysis of Fire Escape Routes in a Virtual Environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Brodlie, K.W. (et al., eds.)
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Scientific Visualization -Techniques and Applications
source Berlin, Springer-Verlag
last changed 2002/08/21 12:05

_id cd05
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kuan, Steve; Kvan, Thomas (2006) CoBlocks:An Improved Voxel-based Design Tool by Object Structuring of Voxel Models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Galyean, T.A. and Hughes, J.F.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Sculpting:An Interactive Volumetric Modeling Technique
source Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1991, 267–274
last changed 2007/01/17 17:25

_id d64c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Svirskaya, Tatyana (2002) The Automated Prototyping Method in Modern Architectural Designing
authors Find in CUMINCAD Kruth, J.P.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Material increase manufacturing by Rapid Prototyping techniques
source Annals of the CIRP, v. 40, N2, pp. 603–614
last changed 2002/12/07 11:16

_id 543c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Harfmann, Anton C. and Majkowski, Bruce R. (1992) Component-Based Spatial Reasoning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Meyer, A.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD 3D Modeling Techniques
source MCN, June 1991, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp 23 - 29, 39
last changed 2002/07/11 14:02

_id ijac201614207m12
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chaszar, Andre and Sam Conrad Joyce (2016) Generating freedom: Questions of flexibility in digital design and architectural computation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Sims K.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Artificial evolution for computer graphics
source SIGGRAPH (‘91 Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques), 1991, vol. 25, issue 4), pp. 319–328
last changed 2016/08/08 14:30

_id caadria2021_142r
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cruz Gambardella, Camilo and McCormack, Jon (2021) Searching for designs in-between - Exploration of design space using a 3D printing-inspired evolutionary system.
authors Find in CUMINCAD Sims, K
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Artificial evolution for computer graphics
source Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pp. 319-328
last changed 2021/06/02 21:45

_id ccaa
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bennadji, A. and A. Bellakha (2006) Evaluation of a Higher Education Self-learning Interface
authors Find in CUMINCAD User interface evaluation in the real world: A comparison of four techniques
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Jeffries, R., Miller, J. R., Wharton, C., and Uyeda, K. M.
source Proceedings ACM CHI'91 Conference (New Orleans, LA, April 28-May 2), 119-124
last changed 2008/04/08 11:00

_id f9c6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Datta, Sambit; Hanafin, Stuart; Pitts, Gregory (2009) Experiments with stochastic processes: Facade subdivision based on wind motion
authors Find in CUMINCAD Wejchert, J. and Haumann, D.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD Animation aerodynamics
source Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, ACM, City, 1991, 19-22
last changed 2009/12/30 17:34

_id b77f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gonçalves Barros, Ana Paula Borba; Valério Augusto Soares de Medeiros, Paulo Cesar Marques da Silva and Frederico de Holanda (2008) Road hierarchy and speed limits in Brasília/Brazil
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barros, A. P. B. G. de, Silva, P. C. M. da, Holanda, F. de
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Exploratory Study of Space Syntax as a Traffic Assignment Tool
source A. S. Kubat, Ö. Ertekin, Y. I. Güney, E. Eyuboglu (eds.), Proceedings of 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 083-01-083-14
last changed 2009/08/02 06:25

_id e9c9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ElBanhawy, Eiman Y. ; Dalton, Ruth ; Thompson, Emine Mine ; Kottor, Richard (2012) Real-Time Electric Mobility Simulation in Metropolitan Areas. A case study: Newcastle-Gateshead
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hodges, N and Bell, M
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD A Pervasive Network for Environmental and Traffic Monitoring
source UTMC Conference – Workshop Session 2 – Novel Traffic Management Techniques, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Leicester City Council and Newcastle University, Transport Operations Research Group (TORG), pp. 34-50
last changed 2013/08/19 13:54

_id caadria2019_107t
in paper Find in CUMINCAD McMeel, Dermott (2019) Algorithms, AI and Architecture - Notes on an extinction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Perederieieva, O, Ehrgott, M, Raith, A and Wang, JYT
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD Numerical stability of path-based algorithms for traffic assignment
source Optimization Methods and Software, 31(1), pp. 53-67
last changed 2019/04/16 12:17

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